Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Common Core: 4.G.2

Common Core Identifier: 4.G.2 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Geometry: Draw And Identify Lines And Angles, And Classify Shapes By Properties Of Their Lines And Angles.
Detail: Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines, or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size. Recognize right triangles as a category, and identify right triangles.
28 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Identify the type of triangles shown: equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles.
Common Core
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Look carefully at each illustration and find acute, obtuse, and right angles.
Determine the number of sides, parallel lines, and right angles are in each polygon shape.
Match the definition on the left with the quadrilateral type on the right.
Review order of operations, factoring, word problems, parallel/intersecting/perpendicular lines, adding fractions, and rounding.
Answer the quadrilateral questions.
This fifth grade math worksheet features fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice questions about points, lines, rays, parallel lines, and perpendicular lines.
Take photographs of geometric lines and shapes. Then use your photos to make a picture book.
Write the answers to the questions about polygon shapes.
Use fraction models to write equations, complete a long division problem, measure with a protractor, convert from meters to kilometers, calculate elapsed time on a number line, and create a line plot.
Identify the type of triangles shown: acute, obtuse, and right triangles.
Convert between feet, yards, and inches. Write improper fractions and mixed numbers on a number line. Review decimals and fractions. Solve a word problem related to elapsed time and angles. Find area and perimeter. Determine the missing addend in fraction addition problems.
Using a small street map, students must determine if each pair of streets is parallel, intersecting, or perpendicular.
Color the scalene triangles red, the isosceles triangles green, and the equilateral triangles blue.
Find parallel, intersecting and perpendicular lines in the illustration.
This set begins with a place value word problem. There are also questions related to operations with fractions, converting and comparing feet to inches, finding equivalent fractions, area models, and division with 3-digit dividends.
Two pages of notes with definitions of angles and types of angles.
Add and subtract mixed numbers. Answer questions related to area and perimeter. Name the polygons. Multiply whole numbers by fractions. Compare decimals.
In the seventh set, students will solve input and output tables, practice rounding, geometry, comparing numbers, perimeter, and much more.
Cut out the triangle pictures and definitions. Sort them on the chart and glue them to the paper.
In this set, students will analyze multi-digit multiplication patterns, solve area patterns, answer a capacity story challenge, and fill in multiples of twelve.
Name the quadrilaterals shown: rhombus, parallelogram, square, rectangle, or trapezoid
This is the final week of 4th grade Math Buzz worksheets. If you've made it this far - congratulations! You've reached the end. In this set, students answer questions related to operations with fractions and mixed numbers, classifying quadrilaterals, multiplying fractions by whole numbers, and word problems with decimal operations.
In week 9 of Math Buzz, have your class practice place value, comparing numbers, division, fractions, patterns, word problems, and input/output tables.
Cut out the shape pictures. Sort them into groups of: quadrilaterals and not quadrilaterals. Also, sort them into groups of shapes with right angles and shapes without right angles.
Practice multi-digit multiplication, number patterns, triangle classifications, measuring angles with a protractor, and line plots.
Tell whether each pair of lines is parallel, intersecting, or perpendicular.
Learn about decimal place value, as well as decimal-fraction relationships. Solve long division problems with 3-digit dividends and 1-digit divisors. Shade models to represent mixed numbers. Add angles. Multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers using the standard algorithm.
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Common Core Alignment