3rd Grade Common Core: 3.OA.9
Common Core Identifier: 3.OA.9 / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Operations And Algebraic Thinking: Solve Problems Involving The Four Operations, And Identify And Explain Patterns In Arithmetic.
Detail: Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and explain them using properties of operations. For example, observe that 4 times a number is always even, and explain why 4 times a number can be decomposed into two equal addends.
28 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Addition and subtraction in and out boxes; Includes a word problem
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Describe the rule used in each number pattern and list the three numbers that come next. The lists feature 3-digit numbers.
In-out boxes with basic addition and subtraction; Only the out boxes need to be filled in
Number Patterns FREE
The number patterns require students to count by 2s, add 10, and count by 3s.
In-and-out boxes for converting mm, cm, m, and km; includes word problems.
More in-out boxes with basic addition and subtraction; Students must complete boxes on both sides of the table
Number Patterns 1 FREE
Determine which numbers come next in the pattern and explain the rule. This worksheet has 2-digit number lists.
Multiplication, division, addition, subtraction in-and-out boxes; Includes a word problem
Advanced level input-output boxes; requires addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers
Two in-out boxes with word problem questions; Addition and subtraction
The digits in this number are 1, 2, 9, and 9. Immediately after the comma, you'll spot a couple of upside-down sixes. The smallest digit can be found in the ones position.
Review word problems, area, rounding, basic division, elapsed time, comparing fractions, expanded form, and measurement to the nearest quarter inch.
There are more than two digits in this number, but also less than four. In the ones place you'll see the largest possible digit. The value of the digit in the tens place is equal to seventy.
This file contains five worksheets. Skills covered include: liner measurement, input-output boxes (subtraction), perimeter of a trapezoid, and reading thermometers.
The digit found in the ones place is an eight, three, two, or a zero. If you know how many sides a hexagon has, finding the tens place will be easy. To find the hundreds, subtract twenty-one minus nineteen.
If you subtract 784 from the secret number, you'll get 12 grand. If you add 216 to this number, you'll have thirteen thousand.
In-and-out boxes for converting gallons, quarts, and pints
This set includes place value blocks, addition input/output boxes, fractions of a set, arrays, and linear measurement.
The number in the thousands place can be found by calculating forty-nine less than fifty-three. The tens and hundreds place are the same. Use subtraction again to find the value of the ones.
Maybe the picture of the octopus will help you figure out the number in the tens position. Two digits are even and one is odd.
On these daily math printables, your students can practice rounding on a number line, identifying polygons with right angles, telling time, and basic multiplication facts.
This is the largest secret number so far. It has one comma, with two digits to the left of the comma. To find the first two digits, you need to know how many minutes are in a quarter hour.
Before the comma is a number that equals one dozen. The digits one through five are each used once in this number. In the hundreds place there's a digit that's one higher than two.
29,206. That's the secret number... but the digits aren't in the right order. One of the twos should be in the thousands place. The other two is in the hundreds place.
In-and-out boxes for converting yards, feet, and inches; includes word problems.
In week eleven, we cover multiples, arrays, word problems, perimeter, and creating bar graphs.