Super Teacher Worksheets

3rd Grade Common Core: 3.OA.7

Common Core Identifier: 3.OA.7 / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Operations And Algebraic Thinking: Multiply And Divide Within 100.
Detail: Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 x 5 = 40, one knows 40 / 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.
452 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Divide to find the answers to the simple division problems; Includes basic remainders.
Common Core
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Divide to find the quotients, then color the illustration according to the code at the bottom.
Multiply to find the products, then color the Valentine picture according to the color code at the bottom.
Write the quotients, then color the mystery picture to reveal a Thanksgiving turkey.
Solve each multiplication problem. Then use your answer and match it to the color key and color the picture to solve the mystery picture.
Solve the basic division facts. All problems have dividends of 81 or less. Color the mystery scene according to the key to see a pail and colorful beach ball.
(Approx. grade levels: 2-4)
Solve the basic multiplication facts. All problems have products of 81 or less. Then color the beach scene according to the key.
(Approx. grade levels: 2-4)
Write the quotients in the spaces and color according to the key at the bottom of the page.
Solve the basic multiplication facts and color the leprechaun according to the key.
Learn those tricky twelves with this paper-folding game. (Up to 12x12)
Color, then cut, then fold the fortune teller. Includes eight basic facts with elevens. (Up to 11x12)
This origami fortune teller includes the hardest 0-9 multiplication facts. Basic facts include 6x7, 8x7, 6x3, 7x4, 7x3, 3x8, 9x7, and 4x8. (Does NOT include 10s, 11s, or 12s.)
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 12. This worksheet has a camping theme.
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 through 7, up to 7x10.
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 8, up to 8x10.
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 9, up to 9x10.
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 10, up to 10x10.
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 through 6, up to 6x10.
Basic Multiplication Drill for facts 0 through 5, up to 5x10.
Basic Multiplication Facts drill for numbers 0-3, up to 3x10.
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 through 4, up to 4x10.
Here's a multiplication quiz for your students.  Facts include 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s, and 12s.
Yet another timed test for building accuracy and speed.  Facts include 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, and 10s.
When students have learned their facts up to 9x9, try this timed test.  Facts include 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s.
Here's another quiz for assessing students' knowledge of basic facts.  Facts include 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, and, of course, 8s.
Build speed and accuracy with this multiplication quiz.  Facts include 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 6s.
This is a five-minute, fifty question multiplication test..  Facts include 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 6s.
Try this quick multiplication timed quiz..  Facts include 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s.
Time students to see if they can finish this quiz in less than 5 minutes.  Facts include 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s.
Here's another timed multiplication drill test with 0s, 1s, 2s, and 3s.
Test students' multiplication skills with this timed quiz with 0s, 1s, and 2s. Facts up to 2x10. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Solve the multiplication facts and color according to the key to reveal a mystery sea monster picture.
Solve the multiplication facts and color to reveal a picture of a bright orange clownfish.
Solve the multiplication facts and color to reveal a picture of a rooster. The math facts on this worksheet have factors up to 9.
Hot air balloon picture covers all basic multiplication facts 0-9.
Write the answers to the multiplication facts (0-6) and color according to the key.
Unscramble the digits in each box to create a basic fact.
Insert factors that will complete the puzzle grid to make the given products.
Multiply the numbers on the wheel-shaped puzzle.
Copy these flashcards on card stock. Your students can cut them out and practice with them. There's also a sorting sheet on the last page. The facts on these cards are written horizontally. 9 cards per page.
Copy these flashcards on card stock and let your students cut them out and practice with them.
Copy these flashcards on card stock and let your students cut them out and practice with them. The facts on these cards are written vertically. 4 cards per page.
Write the quotients for each basic division problem and color each section by number to see the Christmas candle picture.
Write the correct quotient for each problem and color accordingly to reveal a holiday stocking filled with presents.
Each of these division facts had a divisor of eight. Solve and color to reveal a colorful airplane picture.
Find the quotients and color to make a majestic castle.
To see the giant blue whale, students will have to find the answers to basic division problems. All problems have a divisor of 6.
Division problems in which students must divide by three to reveal a picture of a dog.
Divide by 4s in this mystery picture and reveal a sailboat picture.
The hot air balloon math illustration requires students solve basic division facts with dividends up to 81.
Divide the dividend by the divisor to find the quotients, and then color-by-number to make a rooster graphic.
The clownfish mystery math art requires students to divide and color according to the code at the bottom.
Find the quotients, then color the illustration to reveal a talkative parrot.
Solve and write the product for each problem.  Then color the dog picture.
Reveal a colorful airplane illustration when you solve the math facts and color according to the key. All problems include 4 as a factor.
Solve these multiplication problems with factors of five. Then color to see the blue whale picture.
Multiply and color according to the key to reveal a royal castle.
Mystery picture contains a rocket flying through space.  3s only.
Solve and color to create a colorful sailboat picture.  3s only
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 9
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 10
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 11
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 12
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 8
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 7
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 6
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 3
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 5
Basic Multiplication Facts 0 - 4
Write the answers to the multiplication problems and color the pumpkin picture according to the key.
Division mystery picture with a bunny, basket, and eggs.
Addition mystery picture of an Easter bunny with a basket of eggs.
Write the product for each basic division fact. Then color according to the key to create a fun Earth Day picture.
Write the product for each basic multiplication fact. Then color according to the key to reveal a picture of the Earth.
Practice those tricky twelves with this division fortune teller game.
(Up to 144 divided by 12)
Kids will love using origami cootie catchers to learn their division facts.
(Up to 121 divided by 11)
Practice dividing numbers by nine with this entertaining, foldable fortune teller game.
(Up to 108 divided by 9)
Review simple division facts with eight. Students color and fold this cootie catcher, then play a division review game with friends.
(Up to 96 divided by 8)
Do your students know their basic division facts with sevens? If not, give them this fun printable game to review their basic facts.
(Up to 84 divided by 7)
Learn to divide by six with this terrific paper fortune teller math game.
(Up to 72 divided by 6)
Your students will enjoy practicing their basic division facts with this fun cootie catcher.
(Up to 60 divided by 5)
Create and play with this paper fortune teller, which includes basic division facts with four.
(Up to 48 divided by 4)
Cut, fold, and color this origami cootie catcher (aka fortune teller) game. Players review division facts with two.
(Up to 24 divided by 2)
Fold the origami fortune teller and use it to practice the toughest basic division facts. Facts include twenty-eight divided by four, thirty-two divided by eight, and sixty-three divided by seven.
More division problems with divisors up to 9. Mystery picture makes a rocket ship.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s, 12s, and dividends of 0.  Recommended time: 5 minutes.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, and dividends of 0.  Recommended time: 5 minutes.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s, and dividends of 0.  Recommended time: 5 minutes.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Test your students' division skills with this timed quiz with divisors of 1s and 2s, as well as dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Find each quotient and write X or O over the corresponding number on the tic-tac-toe boards.
Twenty-five basic division problems.  Includes two word problems.  Superhero theme.
Find the quotients of these basic division problems with divisors up to 12.
Print these small flashcards on card stock to help students practice their basic division facts. (Up to 144 / 12.)
Complete set of division flash cards, up to 144 / 12.
Match the division facts with the correct quotient in this memory card game.
Practice dividing with ten as a divisor. This cootie catcher includes eight different facts.
(Up to 110 divided by 10)
Create and play with this fun paper fortune teller, which includes basic division facts with three as a divisor.
(Up to 36 divided by 3)
Want to master the eights? Cut, color, fold, and use this review toy. (Up to 8 x 12)
Kids will quickly learn to multiply numbers by nine with this fortune teller game. (Up to 9 x 12)
Use this c.c. to practice basic multiplication facts with tens. (Up to 10 x 12)
Multiply by six with this creative origami cootie catcher game. (Up to 6 x 12)
Your students will become pros at multiplying by 7s when they practice with this fortune teller. (Up to 7 x 12)
Use this origami fortune teller to review multiplication by threes. (Up to 3 x 12)
Review your fours times tables with this multiplication cootie catcher craft project. (Up to 4 x 12)
Cut and fold the paper to make a fortune teller that allows students to practice multiplying by fives. (Up to 5 x 12)
Fold the origami fortune teller and use it to practice multiplying by twos. Includes eight basic facts. (Up to 2 x 12)
Write the products for the basic multiplication facts, then color the illustration according to the key. The mystery picture reveals a reindeer.
Write the product for each of the basic multiplication facts, then color according to the key.  Christmas candle picture.
Write the product for each of the basic multiplication facts, then color according to the key.  Christmas stocking picture.
Find the product for each multiplication fact. Then color according to the key to reveal a picture of a dragon.
Find the quotient for each division fact. Then color the picture according to the key to reveal a cool dragon.
Solve each basic multiplication fact on the puzzle. Then color each space according to the key at the bottom. All multiplication facts are within 100.
Find the quotient for each basic division fact shown. Then color according to the key at the bottom.
Count the dots on each side of the dominoes and multiply the numbers together.
Multiply the number inside the wheel times the number in the middle to find the outside product.
Play this interactive card game to practice basic multiplication and division facts. This game includes 26 game cards and a page of instructions.
Write the products for the basic multiplication facts (0s through 9s) and color the illustration according to the key.
Write the answers to the division facts, then color the mystery picture to reveal a pumpkin.
Write the answers to the division facts, then color the mystery picture to reveal a pumpkin.
Write the products for the basic multiplication facts, then color the illustration according to the key. The mystery picture reveals a reindeer.
Complete these multiplication and division number families.  Includes facts for 0 - 12.
Write the answers to the multiplication facts, then write X or O over the corresponding numbers on the tic-tac-toe board.
Write the answers to the multiplication facts, then write X or O over the corresponding numbers on the tic-tac-toe board.
A fun crossword puzzle where kids fill in their basic facts.
Determine the missing factor for each multiplication fact.
Solve the multiplication facts, then color the boxes according to the key.  Students will find a surprise picture.
Multiply to find out how many ears are on six rabbits, how many legs are on seven spiders, etc.
Fill in the empty squares with factors that will complete the puzzle.
Unscramble each set of digits to create basic multiplication facts.
Practice basic division facts with these triangular fact family cards.
30 different multiplication bingo boards and calling cards.
Printable multiplication board game with a space theme.
This fun memory card game will help students learn their multiplication facts up to 9 x 9.
Each player rolls a pair of dice. They multiply the numbers together to find the product. The player with the largest product wins the round.
Try this whole-class, super-fun chain reaction game that teaches basic facts!
Print this set of four miniature 0-15 multiplication tables for students' desktops.
A partially filled in multiplication table, from 0-15.
Print out this empty multiplication fact sheet that ranges from 0 through 12.
Print out this filled in multiplication fact sheet that ranges from 0 through 12.
All of the boxes are filled in; Use as a reference chart.
Here's a set of four miniature reference tables that can be cut apart.
Here's a blank 0 through 12 multiplication table has empty boxes for students to fill in.
Many of the boxes are empty, but some are already filled in on this 3rd grade multiplication chart.
This entire multiplication chart is filled in so  students can use it for reference purposes.
This page contains four miniature desktop charts that you can cut out for student reference.
This multiplication table is only partly filled in.  Students can fill in the empty squares.
Use basic multiplication and division to solve these frames and arrows puzzles.
Write a fact family for each array shown.
Complete these multiplication and division number families.  Includes basic facts for up to 9.
Another worksheet with factor-factor-product boxes for students to solve.  Includes facts for 0 - 12.
Use multiplication or division to figure out the missing number in each factor-factor-product box.  Includes facts for 0 - 9.
Another page of multiplication-division fact family triangles.
Write the correct set of fact family problems in each house.
Another worksheet with fact family houses to complete.
Complete the multiplication-division fact family triangles.
More practice with multiplication facts, using skip counting.  Includes basic facts facts up to 10 x 12.
Use skip counting to learn and practice basic multiplication facts.  Includes facts up to 5 x 12.
Students write their own rhymes to help learn basic facts.
Determine whether each product is correct or incorrect.
Cut out the tiles at the bottom of the page. Glue the tiles into the boxes to make correct multiplication facts.
A nifty finger trick for multiplying any number by nine.
Write a multiplication and a repeated addition problem for each picture shown.
Use the L-shaped tool to view an array for any multiplication fact up to 10.
Write a multiplication fact for each array shown.
Filled in multiplication table from 0-15.
Fill in an empty multiplication table, from 0-15.
This zero through nine multiplication table is blank, so students can fill in the answers.
Print out a page of blank lattice multiplication grids to help your students solve problems quickly and accurately.
This free worksheet gives an example and explains the steps to solving lattice multiplication problems.  There are also several practice problems for students to try.
More factor trees for prime factorization.
Complete these factor trees (different style) to reduce a number into its prime factors.
More basic factor trees for teaching prime factorization
Divide the objects into equal groups to find the answers to basic division facts.
Enjoy colouring in this illustration of the escutcheon.
Skip count by 9s. Write each number on a helium balloon.
Practice skip counting by 9s, then answer the word problems and questions that follow.
Skip count by 9s on this space alien-themed worksheet page.
Each penguin has a multiple of 9 written on its tummy. Can you fill in the missing numbers on this free worksheet?
Skip count by eights on this free sheet and write the correct number on each penguin's belly.
Write the numbers on the balloons as you skip count by 8s.
First, skip count by 8s. Then answer the related math questions.
Fill in the empty squares on this skip counting worksheet.
Skip count by sevens. Write the missing numbers on the helium balloon pictures.
After you practice skip counting by sevens, answer the math questions and word problems.
The free worksheet has a line of penguins which have multiples of seven on their tummies. Write the missing numbers.
Skip count by six, then answer each of the word problems and math questions.
These balloon pictures have multiples of six on them Can you add the missing numbers?
These penguins have multiples of six on their bellies. Skip count by 6s to complete the numbers on this free activity.
Practice skip counting by sixes with this printable activity.
This page contains a series of word problem questions about skip counting by 5s.
The helium balloon pictures have numbers written on them.  Skip count by fives to continue numbering the balloons.
The Antarctic penguins are lined up to show the numbers on their bellies.  Count by fives and tell which numbers are missing.
On this free worksheet, students count by fives and write the numbers that are missing.  Five pictures of goofy golfers decorate this page.
Count by fives to find the total number of items in each set.
Students answer a series of questions about skip counting by 4s.
Up and and away!  Multiples of four are listed on these balloons.  Keep counting by 4s (up to 96) to continue the pattern.
Kids can count by 4s by writing numbers in the empty squares.  The free printable page features skiing graphics.
The penguin groups have multiples of four on their bellies.  Skip count by 4s to complete the numbers.
Count by fours to determine the number of snails, fish, crayons, and flowers.
Answer the word problem questions about counting by 3s.
Can you count by 3s?  Complete the tables by writing the missing numbers.  This printable features three horse illustrations.
Helium balloons with numbers on them adorn this page.  Fill in the missing numbers when you count by 3s up to 72.
The fish, flowers, crayons, and snails are in sets of threes.  Count by threes to find the total number.
The penguin bellies have numbers on them.  Skip count by 3s to fill in the missing numbers on this free worksheet.
Count by 3s on these number lines.  The number line begins at 0 and ends at 33.
Count by twos. Color every second number on the hundreds chart.
If you subtract 784 from the secret number, you'll get 12 grand.  If you add 216 to this number, you'll have thirteen thousand.
29,206.  That's the secret number... but the digits aren't in the right order.  One of the twos should be in the thousands place.  The other two is in the hundreds place.
The digits in this number are 1, 2, 9, and 9.  Immediately after the comma, you'll spot a couple of upside-down sixes.  The smallest digit can be found in the ones position.
Maybe the picture of the octopus will help you figure out the number in the tens position.  Two digits are even and one is odd.
Before the comma is a number that equals one dozen.  The digits one through five are each used once in this number.  In the hundreds place there's a digit that's one higher than two.
The digit found in the ones place is an eight, three, two, or a zero.  If you know how many sides a hexagon has, finding the tens place will be easy.  To find the hundreds, subtract twenty-one minus nineteen.
The number in the thousands place can be found by calculating forty-nine less than fifty-three.  The tens and hundreds place are the same.  Use subtraction again to find the value of the ones.
This is the largest secret number so far.  It has one comma, with two digits to the left of the comma.  To find the first two digits, you need to know how many minutes are in a quarter hour.
There are more than two digits in this number, but also less than four.  In the ones place you'll see the largest possible digit.  The value of the digit in the tens place is equal to seventy.
Kids can complete this scrambled multiplication table.
Answer the division thinking questions. This worksheet includes some short answer questions. Skills include identifying the quotient, dividend, and divisor, as well as explaining the relationship between multiplication and division.
Same worksheet as above, but the numbers and objects are different.
Students draw objects and divide them into equal groups.  A great way to begin teaching the concept of division.
Write the quotient for each problem. When you color the picture a red and black ladybug is revealed.
Multiply each pair of numbers and color according to the directions at the bottom. Reveal a ladybug on a colorful flower.
Find the product for each pair of factors on this Christmas tree illustration. The use the code at the bottom to color the spaces.
Write the quotient for each basic division fact shown. Then apply the coloring code at the bottom to the illustration.
Write the correct product in each space. Then color according to the key on the bottom part of the page. Finished picture is a portrait of Santa Claus.
Solve the division facts and color the worksheet according to the code at the footer of the worksheet.
Solve to find the quotients for each simple division problem. Then color the friendly sea monster picture according to the key at the bottom of the worksheet.
In this game, students move from desk to desk, around the classroom, answering basic multiplication questions. Includes 30 game cards, student answer sheet, and teacher instructions.
This mystery picture has multiplication facts up to 10. The final picture shows a red bird sitting in her nest with blue eggs.
What has four wheels and flies? To answer the riddle, kids will solve a series of basic division problems. Then match the letters to the answers at the bottom of the page.
There are twenty multiplication facts on this page. Each one has a missing factor. Write the missing number for each problem. Up to 12 times 12.
This PDF has 30 multiplication task cards with missing factors. Includes 0-10 multiplication facts.
Create number bonds that represent basic multiplication problems.
Complete the multiplication number bonds. Includes facts up to 12s.
In this game, students take turns rolling a die. The number they roll corresponds with a column of basic division problems that they have to read and solve as quickly as possible.
This is a 2 or 3 player game. Students take turns rolling a die. The number rolled corresponds with a column of math facts on the game board. Students must recite the answers to all facts in the column as quickly as possible.
Skip count by 3s and connect the dots to make a picture of a flower.
Count by 4s and connect the dots to make a picture of a fish. Start with number 0 and go all the way up to 40.
Answer over 40 multiplication facts, with factors of 0, 1, 2, and 3. Facts through 12, up to 3x12.
Count by 3s on the hundreds chart. Color every 3rd number. Then tell if the numbers are odd, even, or both.
Skip count by 7s and connect the dots. 7, 14, 21. Draw a pig that's lots of fun.
Count by 7s to complete the dot-to-dot. The picture is a pig. Then solve the multiplication facts at the bottom of the page.
This timed quiz has 50 problems on it. Covers all basic facts for 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, and 7s. Facts through 12, up to 7x12.
This drill worksheet has all basic facts for multiplying by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Facts include 11s and 12s, up to 7x12.
Complete the grids by filling in the missing numbers. This worksheet has a monkey theme.
Count by 4s, from 0 to 40. Connect the dots to make a fish. Then answer several multiplication facts at the bottom of the page.
This timed test covers all basic facts for 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s. Facts through 12, up to 4x12.
This sheet has about 40 facts to check student understanding of multiplication facts with factors of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Facts through 12, up to 4x12.
Skip count by 4s and write the numbers on the number line. Numbers up to 36 (3x12).
Color every 4th number on the hundreds chart.
Multiply by 6s. Write the answers in each space of the illustration. Then color according to the key at the bottom. What's the finished mystery picture? A butterfly!
This timed test will assess student knowledge of all facts, from 0x0 up to 6x12.
This dog and cat-themed drill worksheet contains basic facts up to 6s. THis version includes 11s and 12s, up to 6x12.
Roll two dice. Multiply the two numbers together. With standard dice, all rolls should be between 1x1 and 6x6.
Assess your students' knowledge of basic facts for the 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, and 8s times tables. Facts through 12, up to 8x12.
Practice multiplying by 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, and 8s. This drill sheet has 39 problems. This version includes 11s and 12s, up to 8x12.
The key to mastering fluency is to practice answering facts as quickly and accurately as possible. This timed test can help. Facts through 12, up to 5x12.
This drill-and-practice page has multiplication tables for 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s. 39 problems total. Facts through 10, up to 5x10, up to 5x12.
This worksheet has a skip counting number line, missing factor problems, a multiplication wheel, comparing questions, and a number table.
This is a timed assessment with 50 questions on it. Check to see how many your students can answer quickly and accurately. Facts through 12, up to 9x12.
This page has problems all basic multiplication facts, 0 through 9, up to 9x12.
This page has a 3s multiplication wheel, comparing questions, skip counting, and a table for students to fill in.
On this page, students begin with a skip counting activity. Then they complete a mixed-up 5s multiplication table. After that, they'll compare products using the symbols <, >,
and =.
On this printable, students begin by skip counting from 0 to 90 by 9s. Then they fill in a scrambled multiplication table with 9s. After that, they compare numbers and complete a magic multiplication wheel.
At the top of the worksheet, kids will skip count by 4s from 0 to 40. Then they'll complete the input-output boxes. After that they'll complete the fact family triangles.
After skip counting by 6s from 0 to 60, students will then complete an input-output table. After that, they'll write the missing factors in the fact family triangles.
Lay all of the cards on the table face-down. Players take turns trying to find multiplication facts and their matches.
This is a whole-class chain reaction game for reviewing basic multiplication facts up to 12.
Cut and glue to create a board game with question cards. Travel to the moon as you answer basic multiplication facts.
Count by 6s from 0 to 60. The finished picture is a star shooting through outer space.
When playing this game, students roll a die. The number they roll corresponds to a column of math facts on the game board. Students read and answer the facts as quickly as possible.
Why did the girl eat her homework? To find the funny answer to this riddle, students will need to solve 41 multiplication facts.
This fifty question quiz has facts up to twelve times twelve.
This PDF contains the third version of the 0 through 12 multiplication quiz.
This multiplication drill sheet has pictures of funny ducks. There are 39 problems in all.
What's a twip? To find out the answer to the funny riddle, answer 33 basic multiplication facts. Then match the products to the letters in the puzzle.
First, students skip count by 8s. Then they complete an input/output box. After that, they compare numbers using the symbols <, >, and =. Then they write a multiplication fact to go along with the illustration.
This page has 43 basic facts, up to 11 x 12.
Here's a multiplication timed quiz with facts going up to 11x12.
Complete the multiplication table and the multiplication wheel. Count by 11s and fill in the table.
Fill in the answers to the multiplication problems. All problems have a factor of 11. Then color the picture according to the key.
First decode the symbols to reveal the mystery numbers. Then multiply them together and write the product.
Decode the symbols using the cypher to reveal the mystery numbers. Then multiply the factors together and write the products.
Cut apart the stars. Match division problems with their quotients to make stars. (Note: There is also a full-color version of this file. To access the color version, click the "alt" link below.)
Find the missing factors. Match the problems with the same answers to make stars.
Students solve basic division problems to color in the picture of a fox using the key.
Using the key based on quotients, color the robot picture after solving the division problems.
Students solve multiplication facts and use the color key to color the picture of a fox.
After solving basic multiplication facts, students color the picture to reveal a fun robot!
Solve the basic multiplication facts on each puzzle piece and match them to the puzzle pieces with their products.
Practice basic multiplication from 0-12 with this printable puzzle activity.
Practice basic division facts using these printable puzzle pieces.
Hunt for 20 complete multiplication facts with this printable number search. Circle each fact you find, and write the complete number sentences on the lines provided.
Circle each multiplication fact you find on this number hunt. There are 20 facts to find.
Can you find all of the division facts hidden in this puzzle?
Use the array illustrations to find and solve basic division facts.
Answer the questions for each array, and find the division fact for each.
Solve these basic multiplication facts. Then cut out and glue the correct answer to the boxes.
Scissors and a glue stick are needed for this multiplication worksheet. Cut out the number boxes on the page and glue them to the appropriate box.
Print out this page so your students can practice division facts on this cut and glue worksheet.
Multiply by 3s to fill in all the bubbles on the multiplication caterpillar.
Multiply by 4s to in order to fill in all the bubbles on the multiplication caterpillar.
Children will multiply by 5s in order to fill out every bubble on the multiplication caterpillar.
In this printable math activity, students will multiply by 6s in order to fill out all the bubbles on the multiplication caterpillar.
In this printable math activity, children will multiply by 7s in order to fill in the blank bubbles on the multiplication caterpillar.
Students will multiply by 8s in order to fill out all the bubbles in the multiplication caterpillar in this printable math activity.
Children will multiply by 9s to complete this printable multiplication activity.
In this printable math activity, students will multiply by 11s in order to fill out all the bubbles in the multiplication caterpillar.
Write the answers to these multiplication facts on this printable caterpillar worksheet. These multiplication problems all have factors of 12 or less.
These printable multiplication worksheets have a row of multiplication problems all with factors up to 10. Students can write their answers in the space provided.
Print out this worksheet with caterpillars containing division math problems. Have your students solve the problems and write their answers in the space provided.
Printable word problem worksheet. Each problem requires students to multiply by dozens. example: Olivia baked 4 dozen cupcakes. How many cupcakes did she bake?
Students will learn to multiply by 2s by completing the various activities on this page.
This worksheet has a skip counting activity, a fill-in-the-blank multiplication table, multiplication wheel, and more.
Print this worksheet for your class so they can learn to multiply by 12s. Find the missing factors, complete the multiplication wheel, and skip counting by 12s are just a few of the activities on this worksheet.
Follow along the caterpillar to complete all of the math facts. Write your answer in the space below the problem.
This worksheet can be split and used for two students. Each caterpillar has 10 segments with basic multiply-by-10 math problems to be solved.
Multiply by 12s in each circle to solve the math problems.
Cut out the puzzle pieces along the dotted lines and arrange the answers to the correct multiplication facts.
Students will practice their multiplication facts with the numbers 3 and 4 with this puzzle activity.
Ace your multiplication facts with 5s and 6s with these printables. There are several different activities that can be played with these cut-outs.
One way to have students use this puzzle is to "find their partner". Give each student one puzzle piece. Half of the students will have a multiplication fact and the other half will have the answers. Have them find their "partner" with the matching piece.
One way to play with this puzzle is to race to make a match. Give two or more students a set of multiplication fact and answer cards. Have them race to see who can correctly match all of the cards first.
Students can practice their multiplication facts with 11s and 12s with this printable activity.
Count by 2s and fill in the missing numbers in each group of penguins on this printable multiplication worksheet.
Skip counting is fun when you count by 2s with this worksheet featuring colorful balloons.
Skip count by 2s following along with this number line. Write the missing numbers in the boxes.
Practice counting by 2s by counting the fish, flowers, crayons, and snails on this worksheet.
Count by 2s in each group of boxes on this martial-arts themed skip counting worksheet.
Draw a line from dot-to-dot as you count by 2s to reveal a picture of a dolphin.
Count by 2s to answer the seven questions on this printable skip-counting worksheet.
Solve these basic multiplication facts and use the color key at the bottom to reveal a beach scene. Facts are with 0s, 1s, and 2s.
Skip count by 6s using these number lines. Find the missing number to write into the boxes.
0, 7, 14,... what is next? Skip count by 7s along the number line to find out.
Count by 8s and fill in the missing numbers in the number lines on this skip-counting worksheet.
On this skip-counting worksheet, count by 9s along the number line to find the missing numbers.
This worksheet is a multiplication drill to see how fast your students can answer 44 basic multiplication facts correctly. Facts are with 0s, 1s, and 2s multiplied up to 10.
This multiplication drill worksheet is similar to the first version only the factors of 0, 1, and 2 are multiplied up to 12. There are 44 questions to answer on this page.
Find the products and color the picture according to the key. The finished picture is a Halloween scene with a witch, a jack-o-lantern, a bat, and a black cat.
Write the quotients for the division facts. Then color according to the key. The completed picture shows a bat, a black cat, a witch, and an orange jack-o-lantern.
On these daily math printables, your students can practice rounding on a number line, identifying polygons with right angles, telling time, and basic multiplication facts.
Review fractions on a number line (quarters), types of angles, multiples of a number, rounding with a number line, and perimeter.
On these sheets your class will calculate elapsed time, find missing factors, divide using models, and find shapes with parallel lines.
On these worksheets, your students will be asked to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle, find the capacity of two graduated cylinders, and complete some input and output boxes.
On these printables, students will solve basic multiplication and division problems, find equivalent fractions, and compare some numbers and fractions.
In week 29 of Math Buzz, students will practice filling in the missing numbers of math problems, compare numbers, and find the area of some rectangles.
This daily review set has more input and output tables, number line fractions, area problems, and more!
Solve the basic division problems and color according to the key at the bottom to reveal a menorah and dreidel.
This is the first week of the 4th grade math buzz series. This file contains 5 worksheets, reviewing basic skills from the previous grade. Skills covered include: place value, linear measurement, multiplication facts, and comparing fractions.
Students will solve all of the basic division problems and then color in the spaces according to the key at the bottom to reveal colorful sea shells at the beach.
Solve all of the division problems on this worksheet. Use the answers to find out which colors to use when coloring in this back-to-school-themed picture.
The multiplication problems on this page are from 1-12. Solve them and use the color key to determine how it is colored to reveal sea shells on the beach.
Solve these basic 1-12 multiplication problems and then use the solutions to find the right color for each space to reveal school supplies on a desk.
This PDF contains 30 task cards. Each one has a picture of an array. Students write the multiplication fact shown by each.
This worksheet requires students to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. There are no exponents or parentheses in these problems.
example: 7 × 8 + 36 ÷ 9
These task cards have expressions. Students use the order of operations to simplify. Recommended for classroom scavenger hunts, peer practice sessions, document camera work, or exit slips.
example: 3 × 4 ÷ 6 + 20
Use the symbol key to decode the expressions. Then find the answers on this free worksheet.
example: 8 × 9 + 4
Use knowledge of Order of Operations to solve the equations. THen match the answers with the letters at the bottom of the page to find the answer to a silly riddle. What's a cat's favorite color? Purrr-ple.
example: 24 ÷ 2 + 20 - 20 ÷ 4
This file contains 24 task cards. Questions and problems include arrays, fact triangles, group models, and repeated addition.
This set contains 16 flash cards. There's also a sorting mat and a practice quiz.
Print this file on thick card stock. Cut out the penguin and the slider strip. Weave the strip with multiplication facts into the penguin. Read each fact and say the answer.
In this file, you'll find 30 task cards. They have arrays, fact triangles, group models, and repeated addition expressions.
Print these flash cards and cut them apart for practice. There's also a sorting mat and a practice quiz.
Print this file on this card stock. Cut and color. Then use this dog slider craft to practice basic multiplication by 4.
Use this cool slider craft to practice multiplication facts. For best results, print on card stock.
Print these flash cards on card stock. As student practice, they can use the sorting mat to divide the cards into two groups- ones they have mastered and ones they have not.
Task cards work well for peer practice, document cameras, classroom scavenger hunts, exit slips, and class games. Each card has an array, a repeated addition expression, a groups model, or a number family triangle.
Task cards can be used for classroom scavenger hunts, small group sessions, peer tutoring, exit slips, document cameras, and so much more. These cards have arrays, repeated addition expressions, and fact family triangles.
This file contains flash cards for all basic facts in which 2 is a factor. There's also a sorting mat and a practice quiz.
Print this file on card stock. The cut out the truck and slider strips. Weave the strips through the truck. Slide the strip up and down to see multiplication facts.
Print on card stock. Cut out and color the boat. Slide the multiplication strips through the boat. Slide the strip up and down to see basic facts. Read and answer each fact.
Cut out the flash cards and use them to practice multiplication facts with 6 as a factor.
Print this file on heavy card stock. The cut out the airplane picture and the math fact strips. Place the fact strips through the airplane and pull to scroll up and down. Students read the facts and say the answers.
Practice multiplication facts with 7 as a factor. This file includes 11 flash cards, 5 super challenge cards, a sorting mat, and a self-quiz.
Practice multiplication facts with 8 as a factor. Sort cards into 2 groups on the sorting mat: facts I have mastered and facts I am still practicing.
Print this ladybug craft on heavy card stock. Cut out the picture and the number sliders. Place the slider through the lady bug to see math facts. Students can read facts and say the answer.
Cut out the apple and math fact strips. Weave the strips through the apple. Review multiplication facts with 8 as a factor. For best results, print this file on thick card paper.
Use these cards to review multiplication facts with 9 as a factor. Includes flash cards, a self-test and a sorting mat.
Use these flash cards to practice multiplication facts with 11 as a factor. File includes: 11 flash cards, 5 super challenge cards, a self-quiz, and a sorting mat.
Use scissors and crayons to build a math slider. Then use it to review basic facts with 11 as a factor.
Cut and color the truck to make the multiplication slider craft. Then insert math sliders to practice basic facts with 10 as a factor.
This file contains 11 flash cards with basic facts, 5 super challenge cards, a self-test worksheet, and a flash card sorting mat.
Count by 10s and connect the dots. The finished picture is a pig.
This file has 11 flash cards, 5 super challenge flash cards, a self-test, and a mat for sorting.
Write the missing factors and products in the four mini-multiplication tables. This activity has pirate-themed graphics.
Fill in the products on these mini-multiplication tables. This page has illustrations of children playing with cars and trains.
Complete these mini-multiplication tables by filling in the missing products. This sheet has butterfly-themed graphics.
Complete the multiplication tables by filling in the missing factors and products. This worksheet has winter sports-themed illustrations.
Complete the bar models (aka bar diagrams or tape diagrams) and write the multiplication fact for each.
Color and cut out the dog. THen cut out the multiplication fact strip. Slide it through the dog to reveal multiplication facts (with or without answers). Use this tool to practice multiplication facts that have 12 as a factor.
Interpret data on a table. Review multi-digit addition and subtraction. Calculate elapsed time. Divide 18 items equally among three people.
Complete the missing numbers on the Christmas ornament number bonds. Use multiplication or division to solve each.
A unicorn, a bison, a beaver, and a horse can all be found on this full-colour coat of arms.
These task cards can be used for peer practice, classroom scavenger hunts, exit slips, class games, and more.
Practice multiplying by 7 with these task cards, which can be used for various activities such as peer practice, scavenger hunts, class games, and more.
Practice multiplying by 8 with this set of task cards. They can be used for activities such as peer practice, scavenger hunts, games, and more.
Have students practice multiplying by 9 with these task cards. They can be used for various games and activities, such as scavenger hunts and peer practice.
Help students perfect their multiplication skills with these task cards, which will help them review multiplying by 10s.
Cut out a multiplication facts and glue it into the center oval. Then students draw an array, write a repeated addition fact, and create a grouping illustration.
First cut out a multiplication fact and glue it in the center of the page. Then write a repeated addition problem, create an array, and draw a grouping illustration.
Cut out the multiplication facts, products, and array illustrations. Glue each in the correct position on the table.
Cut out the cards and sorts. Match the facts, products, and array graphics. You can also play a memory match game with these cards.
Print the 36 cards in this set on card stock. Then cut them apart. Your students can match the facts, array graphics, and answers/products. You can also play a memory-match game with this set of cards.
Draw arrays for any multiplication facts on this template graphic organizer.
Solve the division problems and color to reveal a picture of a pair of lanterns.
Solve the multiplication problems and then use the key at the bottom of the page to color the picture of the Chinese New Year lanterns.
Solve the division problems and color the page according to the key to reveal a farm or a lighthouse. Which one you color depends on which of the two worksheets you complete.
Solve the multiplication problems and color the page based on your answers. Will you color a police car or fire truck? It depends which of the two worksheets you complete!
This file includes two worksheets. Students will solve basic multiplication problems and color the pages according to their key. The design looks the same, but one worksheet will result in a dog and the other a cat!
Will the mystery picture be an apple or a banana? It depends which of the two worksheets your student completes!
Solve the division problems and color according to the key. Will you get a boat or a plane? It depends which of the two worksheets you complete!
Depending on which page you complete, the mystery picture will be either a dog or two birds.
Solve the division problems to find out whether you're coloring in a dog or two birds.
Solve the multiplication problems and color the page accordingly to reveal the mystery picture. Page 1 is a bunny. Page 3 is a chick. Page 5 has three decorated eggs.
Students can solve these basic division problems and color the pages according to the key. Which picture they create depends on which of the three worksheets included in this file they complete.
Color the circles with the problems, as well as the answers. If you correctly complete each one, you'll be able to navigate the maze from start to finish.
Complete these division problems and color according to the key to reveal the mystery pictures.
Complete the multiplication problems and color in the pictures accordingly to reveal the two different summery images.
Will you color in a yummy summer snack or some fun beach toys? It depends which of the two worksheets in this file you complete.
Find the quotients and color according to the key to reveal the mystery pictures.
Will the mystery picture be a shovel and pail on the beach? Or will it be a tasty summer treat? Complete both worksheets in this file and you'll reveal both images!
Divide the numbers in each section and then color accordingly to reveal the mystery picture.
Solve the multiplication problems and color the picture of Texas accordingly.
Find the quotients and color the picture of Texas according to the key.
Find the products and color the page according to the key. This file contains two worksheets that look the same but will reveal different pictures.
This file contains two worksheets that look similar but, when completed, will reveal different pictures. Find the quotients and color according to the key to see the pictures.
Find the products and then color the worksheet based on the key.
Solve the division problems and color according to the key to reveal the image of a famous president.
Find the products. Then color the page according to the key at the bottom see the mystery picture.
Find the quotients and follow the key to color the page and see what the mystery picture is.
Use patriotic- or holiday-themed symbols to practice multiplication with groups.
Need more practice on multiplying basic facts? Here is another sheet of multiplication drills.
Have your students practice their basic multiplication skills with this worksheet. The two coloring pages may look similar, but they'll each reveal a different image when completed.
Solve the basic division problems and use the answers and the key to color accordingly and complete the two worksheets.
Solve the division problems and use the answers to color in the pictures. The two worksheets in this file may look the same but they each produce a unique Thanksgiving illustration!
This worksheet shows an example of how to solve a 2-digit by 1-digit division problem using the partial quotient method. It also includes 9 problems for students to solve.
Give your students more practice with partial quotients with this worksheet. It includes 6 division problems and an example showing how to solve with the partial quotient method.
These 2-digit by 1-digit division problems require remainders. There is an example, followed by seven problems for students to solve on their own using partial quotients.
Use this printout to give your students a bit of extra practice with partial quotients division.
Practice skills such as reading a table, comparing fractions, calculating perimeter, and more with the next set of daily word problems.
This week students will work on skills such as finding area, completing a table, comparing fractions, and more.
Continue practicing important math skills every day with our next set of Daily Word Problems.
Practice fractions, reasoning, and reading and interpreting data on a line plot with this week's daily word problems.
After this week's set of worksheets, your students may be ready to move on to our Level D Daily Word Problems.
List the proper factors of the given numbers. Proper factors are factors of a number, excluding the number itself.
List the perfect factors of the given numbers. Then determine which number is a perfect number. (A perfect number is a number whose proper factors add up to the number itself.)
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