Super Teacher Worksheets

3rd Grade Common Core: 3.OA.2

Common Core Identifier: 3.OA.2 / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Operations And Algebraic Thinking: Represent And Solve Problems Involving Multiplication And Division.
Detail: Interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 56 / 8 as the number of objects in each share when 56 objects are partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as a number of shares when 56 objects are partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a number of shares or a number of groups can be expressed as 56 / 8.
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Students draw objects and divide them into equal groups.  A great way to begin teaching the concept of division.
Divide the objects into equal groups to find the answers to basic division facts.
Use basic multiplication and division to solve these frames and arrows puzzles.
Write the quotients, then color the mystery picture to reveal a Thanksgiving turkey.
Write the quotient for each problem. When you color the picture a red and black ladybug is revealed.
More division problems with divisors up to 9. Mystery picture makes a rocket ship.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Kids will love using origami cootie catchers to learn their division facts.
(Up to 121 divided by 11)
This set of daily word problems includes deciphering a graph, interpreting data on a table, and operations problems.
With this next set in the series, students will practice concepts such as fractions, elapsed time, and area using the realistic situations described in the word problems.
Using the key based on quotients, color the robot picture after solving the division problems.
Fill in the empty squares with factors that will complete the puzzle.
Write the answers to the division facts, then color the mystery picture to reveal a pumpkin.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Do your students know their basic division facts with sevens? If not, give them this fun printable game to review their basic facts.
(Up to 84 divided by 7)
Find the quotients and color the picture of Texas according to the key.
Practice more important math skills with this next set of daily word problems. Area, operations with money, and factors are some of the skills included this week.
Complete set of division flash cards, up to 144 / 12.
Solve the basic division problems and color according to the key at the bottom to reveal a menorah and dreidel.
To see the giant blue whale, students will have to find the answers to basic division problems. All problems have a divisor of 6.
Division mystery picture with a bunny, basket, and eggs.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Find the quotients and follow the key to color the page and see what the mystery picture is.
Write the products for the basic multiplication facts, then color the illustration according to the key. The mystery picture reveals a reindeer.
The multiplication problems on this page are from 1-12. Solve them and use the color key to determine how it is colored to reveal sea shells on the beach.
Create and play with this paper fortune teller, which includes basic division facts with four.
(Up to 48 divided by 4)
The hot air balloon math illustration requires students solve basic division facts with dividends up to 81.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, and dividends of 0.  Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Multiplication-division fact families; Give three numbers, students write 4 basic facts
Solve the division problems and color to reveal a picture of a pair of lanterns.
With these worksheets, students will practice skills such as completing a table, reading and interpreting a line plot, and performing multi-step operations.
Each of these division facts had a divisor of eight. Solve and color to reveal a colorful airplane picture.
Write the answers to the division facts, then color the mystery picture to reveal a pumpkin.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Learn to divide by six with this terrific paper fortune teller math game.
(Up to 72 divided by 6)
This file contains two worksheets that look similar but, when completed, will reveal different pictures. Find the quotients and color according to the key to see the pictures.
Practice fractions, number lines, perimeter, and more with this group of daily math worksheets.
Match the division facts with the correct quotient in this memory card game.
Students will solve all of the basic division problems and then color in the spaces according to the key at the bottom to reveal colorful sea shells at the beach.
Division problems in which students must divide by three to reveal a picture of a dog.
Write the product for each basic division fact. Then color according to the key to create a fun Earth Day picture.
Find each quotient and write X or O over the corresponding number on the tic-tac-toe boards.
Solve the basic division problems and use the answers and the key to color accordingly and complete the two worksheets.
Find the quotient for each division fact. Then color the picture according to the key to reveal a cool dragon.
Solve these basic 1-12 multiplication problems and then use the solutions to find the right color for each space to reveal school supplies on a desk.
Cut, fold, and color this origami cootie catcher (aka fortune teller) game. Players review division facts with two.
(Up to 24 divided by 2)
Divide the dividend by the divisor to find the quotients, and then color-by-number to make a rooster graphic.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s, and dividends of 0.  Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Find the quotients of these basic division problems with divisors up to 12.
Solve the division problems and color the page according to the key to reveal a farm or a lighthouse. Which one you color depends on which of the two worksheets you complete.
Daily practice can really help students learn and remember important math skills. This week, students will interpret data on a table, draw pictures to solve problems with fractions, and more.
Solve the basic division facts. All problems have dividends of 81 or less. Color the mystery scene according to the key to see a pail and colorful beach ball.
(Approx. grade levels: 2-4)
In this game, students take turns rolling a die. The number they roll corresponds with a column of basic division problems that they have to read and solve as quickly as possible.
Write the quotients, then color the mystery picture to reveal a parrot.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Practice dividing numbers by nine with this entertaining, foldable fortune teller game.
(Up to 108 divided by 9)
Operations with money, measurement, and elapsed time are some of the skills students will work on with this week's daily math problems.
Review important math skills every day with these daily worksheets.
Print out this worksheet with caterpillars containing division math problems. Have your students solve the problems and write their answers in the space provided.
Practice those tricky twelves with this division fortune teller game.
(Up to 144 divided by 12)
Twenty-five basic division problems.  Includes two word problems.  Superhero theme.
This next set of daily word problems involves reading and understanding data on tables, operations with money, and more.
Find the quotient for each basic division fact shown. Then color according to the key at the bottom.
Interpret data on a table. Review multi-digit addition and subtraction. Calculate elapsed time. Divide 18 items equally among three people.
Fold the origami fortune teller and use it to practice the toughest basic division facts. Facts include twenty-eight divided by four, thirty-two divided by eight, and sixty-three divided by seven.
The clownfish mystery math art requires students to divide and color according to the code at the bottom.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Solve the division problems and color according to the key. Will you get a boat or a plane? It depends which of the two worksheets you complete!
Practice skills involving operations with money, fractions, and more with these daily word problems.
Insert factors that will complete the puzzle grid to make the given products.
Students solve basic division problems to color in the picture of a fox using the key.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s, 12s, and dividends of 0.  Recommended time: 5 minutes.
The problems on this fifty question test have divisors 1s, 2s, and 3s, 4s, and dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Print these small flashcards on card stock to help students practice their basic division facts. (Up to 144 / 12.)
Review simple division facts with eight. Students color and fold this cootie catcher, then play a division review game with friends.
(Up to 96 divided by 8)
Divide the numbers in each section and then color accordingly to reveal the mystery picture.
Give your students the opportunity to practice important math skills every day with these daily word problems. This set includes a bar graph, elapsed time, area, and more.
With these worksheets, your class can solve an elapsed time problem using a number line, divide a trapezoid into equal parts, name fractional points on a number line, make a bar graph, and identify right angles.
Find the quotients and color to make a majestic castle.
Test your students' division skills with this timed quiz with divisors of 1s and 2s, as well as dividends of 0. Recommended time: 5 minutes.
Your students will enjoy practicing their basic division facts with this fun cootie catcher.
(Up to 60 divided by 5)
Solve the division problems and color according to the key to reveal the image of a famous president.
Play this fun game with your class to practice basic division and multiplication.
Solve all of the division problems on this worksheet. Use the answers to find out which colors to use when coloring in this back-to-school-themed picture.
Divide by 4s in this mystery picture and reveal a sailboat picture.
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