Super Teacher Worksheets

3rd Grade Common Core: 3.NF.3d

Common Core Identifier: 3.NF.3d / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Number And Operations - Fractions: Develop Understanding Of Fractions As Numbers.
Detail: Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.
14 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This week students will work on skills such as finding area, completing a table, comparing fractions, and more.
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Shade the fraction strips (tape diagrams) to show the given fractions. Then compare, using the mathematical symbols <, >, or =.
After this week's set of worksheets, your students may be ready to move on to our Level D Daily Word Problems.
Continue practicing important math skills every day with our next set of Daily Word Problems.
Solve multi-step word problems using knowledge of the four operations. Compare fractions of pizzas. Solve a basic multiplication and division problem.
Determine which measurement is not equivalent to the other two.
Compare pairs of fractions with like denominators. (example: four-sixths is less than five-sixths)
On this printable worksheet, student will compare fractions using a variety of methods, including shape illustrations, fraction strips, and number lines.
Practice fractions, reasoning, and reading and interpreting data on a line plot with this week's daily word problems.
Practice skills such as reading a table, comparing fractions, calculating perimeter, and more with the next set of daily word problems.
Cut out each improper fraction and glue it next to the correct mixed number. This version has denominators equal to 5 or less.
Use these printable fraction strips as a hands-on way to teach the concept of fractions, equivalent fractions, and comparing fractions.  (Halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, etc.)
Cut out each mixed number and glue it next to the correct improper fraction. This version is harder, with denominators up to 12.
Write the correct mixed number and improper fraction for each illustration.
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