3rd Grade Common Core: 3.NF.1
Common Core Identifier: 3.NF.1 / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Number And Operations - Fractions: Develop Understanding Of Fractions As Numbers.
Detail: Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.
52 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Use crayons to color the given fraction of each shape.
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Match the fraction picture card with the fraction number cards in this concentration/memory matching game.
A color version of the large, manipulative fraction pizza manipulatives.
Match each fraction with the correct shape in this cut-and-paste activity.
Color the circle according to the directions, then write the fractions of the shaded parts.
Color the given fraction of each group. (example: Color 5/9 of the buttons.)
Answer these fraction thinking problems. Students must find different ways to divide shapes, determine which shapes are divided into fractions, and complete the fractions of a set drawings.
Color fractions of each group of marbles; Includes unit fractions only; Easier version (example: 1/3 of 21).
Same as above, but these fraction circles have the fractions written on them.
Same as above, but these fraction strips are color-coded. Print on card stock and laminate and they'll last for years to come. Great for manipulative fraction learning centers.
Color fractions of each group of marbles; Harder version (example: 4/7 of 21).
Cut out the large-sized manipulative fraction pizzas.
This worksheet has pictures of cats dogs, birds, and turtles. Answer the fraction questions by looking carefully at the picture.
Students will need to have a basic understanding of fractions to solve these word problems.
Cut, color, and fold the origami cootie catcher (a.k.a. fortune teller). Then play the game to review basic fractions.
Look at the illustrations to answer the "fractions of a set" question. Pictures include shapes, houses, and crayons.
Kids can cut out these circles to help them learn how fractions work
Part 1: Shade each shape to show the fraction given. Part 2: Tell what fraction is shown. Part 3: Divide the square into quarters and shade 3/4.
Your students will love this basic fraction chain reaction game.
This worksheet is designed to help students understand the distinction between numerators and denominators in fractions.
Students will answer these word problems with fractions.
Use these printable fraction strips as a hands-on way to teach the concept of fractions, equivalent fractions, and comparing fractions. (Halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, etc.)
Students color the shape on their fraction flag according to the key. Then cut out the flags. Teachers can hang the colorful pennants on a string across the classroom.
In week eleven, we cover multiples, arrays, word problems, perimeter, and creating bar graphs.
Tell whether each shape is divided into halves, thirds, fourths, sixths or eighths.
Students will determine which basic fractions are shown by the illustrations on the cards.
On these printable activities, your class will write repeated addition number sentences, complete addition/subtraction bar models, interpret a line plot, interpret a pictograph, and draw hands on an analog clock.
Scoot! is a whole-class, face-paced game in which students move around the classroom, while answering fraction questions. This game includes 30 task cards, teacher instructions, and student answer worksheets.
This file contains five worksheets. Skills covered include: liner measurement, input-output boxes (subtraction), perimeter of a trapezoid, and reading thermometers.
This page has 8 tasks for students to complete. Each one allows them to practice measuring the fraction of a set/group.
Use the clues to find the numerators and denominators of each mystery fraction.
Scan the barcode to reveal basic fraction word problems. Draw a picture to solve.
This is the first week of the 4th grade math buzz series. This file contains 5 worksheets, reviewing basic skills from the previous grade. Skills covered include: place value, linear measurement, multiplication facts, and comparing fractions.
Complete the fraction number bonds. (example: 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 = 3/4)
Review elapsed time, fractions of a set, basic multiplication & division, and reading data on a line plot.
This daily review set has more patterns, clocks, and base-10 place value blocks. There are also questions about capacity and calendars.
Mixed Math: D1 FREE
Math skills for adding, subtracting and multiplying. Complete word problems with fractions. Write place values from word problems.
Measurement with ruler along with adding and subtracting. What fraction of the marbles are black?
Find the fraction of each group; Harder version (example: 3/7 of 28).
Number patterns, solve word problem with subtraction. Fractions using tiles.
Count how many marbles Peyton has after his brother and sister give him more. How much money is left after a buying a movie ticket.
Use the illustrations to help find the fraction of each number; Unit fractions only. (example: 1/3 of 9)
Find the fraction of each group; Includes only unit fractions; Easier version (example: 1/5 of 15).
Comparing numbers using symbols. Fill in remaining number patterns. Fractions with pizza word problem.