Super Teacher Worksheets

3rd Grade Common Core: 3.NBT.2

Common Core Identifier: 3.NBT.2 / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Number And Operations In Base Ten: Use Place Value Understanding And Properties Of Operations To Perform Multi-Digit Arithmetic
Detail: Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and-or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
345 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Find the sums and difference. Then, color the cornucopia. Includes two word problems about Pilgrims.
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Use the grid puzzle to solve the subtraction problems; 4-digit subtraction with zeros. (example 3,400 - 454)
Practice 3-digit Subtracting problems that require borrowing across zero
Subtraction problems with 3-digit quantities; Requires borrowing; Crab pictures
This intermediate-level worksheet features larger numbers into the thousands and money amounts.
This worksheet includes the associative, commutative, and the identity (zero) properties. Students must write the value of each variable.
Four-digit column addition problems with three addends; Includes one word problem
Mixture of different types of subtraction problems, including a couple of word problems.  (3 and 4-digit) 
Subtracting money with zero on graph paper.  One digit per box will help kids line up columns.  (example: $9.00 - 3.48)
Subtraction problems with money amounts; Winter snowmen pictures
Scan the QR codes with an iPad or smartphone to view subtraction word problems. Solve and show your work in the space provided.
(Note: This worksheet requires students to use a smartphone or tablet with a QR code scanner.)
Scan the QR codes with an iPad or smartphone to view subtraction word problems. Solve and show your work in the space provided.
(Note: This worksheet requires students to use a smartphone or tablet with a QR code scanner.)
Rewrite each problem vertically, then solve.  Students required to "line up the digits" correctly.
Subtracting on graph paper gives kids plenty of room to write their numbers and illustrates place value
This subtraction worksheet has pictures of cute dragons.  3-digits with borrowing.
Use base 10 blocks (place value blocks) to solve the subtraction problems on this worksheet.
Practice 3-digit Subtracting with borrowing / regrouping.  Check by adding.
Solve the subtraction problems and color the answers on the bingo boards.  Can you get a bingo?
Color the picture of the knight, dragon, and castle. Then solve the subtraction problems.
Practice subtracting 3-digit numbers with borrowing / regrouping.
Another division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction puzzle.  (Grade 4 and up)
This 3-digit addition worksheet features pictures of groundhogs and groundhog word problems.
There are three short-answer questions on this page for thinking about and discussing the properties of addition.
Practice recognizing and working with the properties of addition problems. This is a good introductory worksheet that contains only simple 1 and 2-digit numbers.
This worksheet allows students to practice working with the properties of addition using only basic numbers.
Four-digit column addition problems with four addends; Includes one word problem
More story problems in which students practice column adding
Four word problems that require students to use column addition to solve; Includes space for students to show their work
Solve these two-digit addition word problems. All problems require carrying (regrouping).
Read and solve these 3-digit addition word problems. There is plenty of space for students to show their work.
2-digit with regrouping subtraction problems inside of turkey pictures.
Adding problems with 2-digits; Requires regrouping; Thanksgiving turkey pictures.
Subtracting money on grid paper.  One digit per box ensures kids line up numbers correctly.  (example: $9.26 - 2.88)
Subtract the three-digit numbers to find the differences. All problems require some borrowing. There are also two word problems.
A dozen 2-digit subtraction problems that require borrowing from the tens column.
Complete the subtraction problems (3-digits minus 2-digits with with regrouping). Then create a fun St. Patrick's Day picture puzzle with the answer squares.
Use the QR scanner app on your tablet or phone to scan the barcode. A word problem will appear on your screen. Solve by finding the sum of the 3-digit numbers.
This file includes 30 task cards, each of which has a QR barcode on it. Student solve the 3-digit addition problems, then scan to check their answers. Includes a work page for students to solve problems.
Students will need to regroup to solve the 3-digit subtraction problems on this worksheet.  This page is has Hanukkah-related illustrations.
2-digit subtraction problems inside of Easter egg pictures.
This 3-digit subtraction worksheet has Earth Day graphics and a word problem about planting trees.
Add to find the sums, then use the answers to glue the picture puzzle together.
Find the sums of these three-digit addition problems. Graphics include a picture of the Earth. There's also an Earth Day word problem.
Three-digit column addition problems with three  or four addends; Includes one word problem
Three-digit column addition problems with three addends; Includes one word problem
Double-digit column addition problems with three or four addends; Includes one word problem
Single-digit column addition problems with four addends; Includes a word problem
Solve the 2-digit numbers from the 3-digit numbers.  Then attach the puzzle pieces in the correct positions.  Picture shows two kids sledding down a hill.
Students must determine whether they need to add or subtract to solve each problem.
Subtract to find the missing addends  (example: 71 + __ = 143)
Subtraction arrow chain problems; 2-digits minus 1-digit; Regrouping
A cute doggie-themed subtraction practice page with double digit numbers
This worksheet will help students use place value blocks (base 10 blocks) to practice subtraction with borrowing.
Double-digit subtraction problems that do require borrowing.
Subtract the two-digit numbers to find the differences. Most problems require regrouping (borrowing). The word problems and picture features a box of colorful crayons.
Simple 2-digit subtraction problems that don't require borrowing.
Double-digit subtraction problems that do NOT require borrowing.
The two-digit subtraction problems on this worksheet do NOT require students to borrow/regroup.
This file has 30 printable task cards. Student solve the 2-digit subtraction problem on each card. (Most problems require regrouping/borrowing.) They then scan the QR code to check their answers.
Scan the QR code with an iPad or smartphone to see a subtraction word problem. Solve the problem in the space provided. All subtraction problems have 2-digit numbers and require students to regroup.
Add, subtract, divide, and multiply to solve this math crossword.  (Grade 4 and up)
Another monster-themed worksheet.  This one has 2-digit subtraction problems that require borrowing.
This monster-themed practice worksheet has three-digit adding problems.  These problems require students to regroup/carry.
Solve the 2-digit addition problems; Requires regrouping; Christmas tree pictures
Solve these double-digit addition word problems. These problems do NOT require regrouping.
Michael receives $9.99 for his 9th birthday.  Subtract each time Michael spends money to show how much is left.
This file has 30 printable task cards. Student solve the 3-digit addition problem on each card. They can then scan the QR code to check their sums.
Math skills for adding, subtracting and multiplying. Complete word problems with fractions. Write place values from word problems.
Complete number patterns from examples. Solve money with subtraction. Provide time shown on the clock and in 20 minutes.
Find the perimeter of the polygon. Subtraction with thousands. Ordered pairs with a graph.
Comparing numbers using symbols. Fill in remaining number patterns. Fractions with pizza word problem.
These review word problems require student knowledge of place value and rounding.
Review adding and subtracting, dozens, and elapsed time.
This worksheet features problems that require column addition, understanding of elapsed time, and knowledge of odd/even numbers.
Practice subtracting numbers, counting money, and writing large numbers in standard form.
This math page contains problems relating to addition, subtraction, and telling time.
To solve these problems, students must use subtraction skills and their knowledge of place value.
This mixed review worksheet includes addition and subtraction problems, as well as a coin-counting activity.
The mixed review problems on this page include adding, subtracting, counting money
Measurement with ruler along with adding and subtracting. What fraction of the marbles are black?
Count by 3's. Preform skip counting. Addition and subtraction.
This page has advanced subtraction, basic multiplication, and basic division word problems.
Your whole class can participate in this fast-paced game for free. Students move around the room, from desk-to-desk solving two-digit addition problems. All problems require students to know how to regroup.
This version of the game has thirty task cards with three-digit addition problems. (example: 492+183)
In this game, students move to each desk in the classroom and solve 3-digit subtraction problems.
What's more amazing that a talking dog? To find out, solve these 3-digit addition problems and decode the answer to the riddle. Each problem requires carrying or regrouping.
How do rabbits travel? To solve, complete a set of three-digit subtraction (with regrouping) math problems.
What do boats eat for breakfast? Find the sums by adding three addends together to see the answer.
Solve addition problems with money addends. Then use the sums to decode a funny joke about a skunk.
Solve the money subtraction problems to find the funny answer to the riddle: Why was the broom late?
Subtract pairs of three-digit numbers to find the differences. Most problems require borrowing across zero. Then match up the letters to the answers to find the answer to a funny riddle.
Where did the farmer take his pony when it was ill? To find out, you'll have to solve two-digit subtraction problems. These problems do NOT require students to regroup/borrow.
What do you call a skeleton who won't work? This worksheet has a set of tricky 4-digit column addition problems.
Students are given four digits. They must place them in the squares correctly to make the given difference. This game has 12 task cards and a student answer page.
In this game, students must figure out the correct locations for the missing digits in each subtraction problem. Includes 12 task cars and a student answer page.
Use each set of digits to make addition problems. This file has includes a set of task cards.
Figure out where to place the digits for each addition problem.
In this game, students will be given task cards with randomized digits. They need to arrange the digits to make a complete subtraction problem. (None of these problems require borrowing/renaming/regrouping.)
In this game, students will work with task cards that have digits. They must arrange the digits to complete the addends in the addition problem.
This set of 30 task cards has addition problems that do not require carrying. Use these in your learning centers, on your document camera, or for classroom games.
This file has 30 addition task cards. Each one has a problem with 3-digit addends. There's also a student answer worksheet. Makes a great learning center.
These cards have addition problems with 4-digit addends. Use these cars in your math learning center, with your classroom document camera, or as cards for math games.
This PDF has 30 task cards. Each one has a subtraction problem. Students are do not have to borrow/regroup/rename. Use these cards in your math learning center, to play math games, or on your whiteboard document camera.
This PDF file has a class set of task cards. Use them to play math games, in your math learning center, or as part of your lesson with your document camera. You could also laminate these cards and kids can solve problems with dry-erase markers.
Here's a complete class set of thirty task cards with 3-digit subtraction problems on them. Use them to create your own classroom learning center. You can also use them to play math games, such as Scoot! Or place them under your document camera during your math lesson.
Students are shown a set of numbers written inside of various shapes. They add similar shapes together. For example: Add the numbers in the trapezoids.
Add numbers inside similar shapes. For example: Add the numbers inside the hexagons.
At the top of this page are numbers written inside of polygons. Students add numbers in similar shapes. For example: Find the sum of the numbers in the octagons.
At the top of this page are money amounts with shapes around them. Add the numbers in similar shapes together. For example: Find the sum of the numbers in the triangles.
At the top of this page, students are presented with ten shapes. Each shape has a 3-digit number written in it. Students solve subtraction problems by subtracting numbers in the shapes. For example: Subtract the number in the octagon from the number in the number in the hexagon.
At the top of the page, students are presented with a series of shapes. They subtract numbers from pairs of shapes and find the differences. For example: Subtract the number in the rhombus from the number in the trapezoid.
Read the numbers in congruent shapes and subtract. For example: Subtract the number in the trapezoid from the number in the square.
Find the answers to the subtraction problems (no regrouping). Then sort the answers into "Even Numbers" and "Odd Numbers."
Subtract to find the answers. Then sort the differences into two categories on a t-chart: Even Numbers and Odd Numbers. This is a cut-and-glue activity.
Cut out the math cards. Solve the subtraction problems. Then sort the answers into "even differences" and "odd differences." After that, students glue the math cards in the correct columns on the t-chart.
Add the numbers in the shapes together. For example: Find the sum of the numbers in the trapezoids.
This file has 30 task cards with money subtraction on them.
This file has 30 task cards with vertical and horizontal money addition problems.
First, solve the 3-digit addition problems. Then cut out the cards. Sort the sums into two groups: even and odd. Glue the cards on a t-chart.
Why was the football stadium so hot after the game? This riddle can be solved by subtracting pairs of money amounts.
Subtract hundreds and thousands on this mental math worksheet. Why was the music teacher locked out of her classroom? To find out, write the answer to each problem. (example: 9,000-4,000)
Why are there iron fences around graveyards? To find out, answer the addition mental math problems. (example: 3,000+2,000)
This worksheet has addition problems that were not solved correctly. Students must find and explain the errors.
These math problems have mistakes in the solutions. Write the correct solution, and explain why the problems shown are not correct.
Look carefully at the completed addition problems. There are mistakes. Re-solve each problem to find the correct sum. Then explain the mistakes in the original solutions.
These math problems were already solved, but there are mistakes. Explain how the problems were incorrectly solved. Then calculate the correct sums.
This worksheet has pictures of subtraction problems that have already been solved. But there are errors. Students must find and explain the mistakes.
These completed subtraction problems have mistakes in them. Figure out what's wrong with each one and explain.
These addition problems were solved incorrectly. Examine them carefully and explain the mistakes.
Study the completed math problems and look for errors. Explain the mistakes and solve correctly.
Look for mistakes in these completed addition problems. Explain the errors. Then solve.
Decode the secret numbers using the cypher key at the top of the page. Then add them together.
Use the key at the top of the page to decode the symbol math problems. Then solve each one.
Use the key to decode the addends in the secret symbol numbers. Then solve the 4-digit addition problems.
Use the cypher key at the top of the worksheet to decode the addends in these column addition problems.
These coded problems have up to 4 addends, with 2, 3, or 4 digits in each.
Students will need to borrow/regroup to solve the subtraction problems on this sheet.
After decoding the numbers using the key, students will subtract to find the differences.
These 3-digit subtraction problems require students to borrow across zero. (example: 400-126)
Add six pairs of numbers. Choose numbers from the circles at the top of the page.
Choose one number from each circle. Then subtract the smaller number from the larger number.
Add to find the sums. Each problem is presented in a Christmas picture.
Subtract 3-digit numbers. Most problems require regrouping. Each problem is presented inside of a Christmas picture.
Using the sums from basic addition facts, color according to the key to find a cute fox.
Color the picture by solving the basic addition problems to find the friendly robot!
Print out these addition pennants, have each student make a pennant by solving the addition problem, coloring the border, and cutting it out, and glue the pennants along a rope.
Print out these addition pennants, have each student make a pennant by solving the addition problem, coloring the border, and cutting it out, and glue the pennants along a rope.
Write the missing number for each bar model (aka tape diagram or part-part-whole diagram). Then write an addition and a subtraction problem to go along with each diagram.
These seven addition bar models (or tape diagrams) have space for students to show their work on the right-hand side.
Find the missing value for each bar model. Then write an addition and subtraction number sentence for each.
In this math activity, students will find the missing value for each bar model, then they will write an addition and subtraction number sentence for each one.
This file contains the first 5 days of daily math review for 3rd graders. (This file covers skills from the end of 2nd grade.) Skills include: 2-digit and 3-digit addition and subtraction, counting money, reading analog clocks, measurement with nonstandard units, polygons, and word problems.
Skills for this week include reading analog clocks, word problems, writing numbers in expanded form, reading a pictograph, measurement, dividing shapes into equal parts, and counting money.
Students can refresh their addition skills with this printable summer-themed addition worksheet. There are nine 3-digit addition problems to solve.
Print out this summer math worksheet so your students can subtract 3-digit numbers.
This Halloween-themed math worksheet has nine addition problems to be solved using 3-digit numbers.
Subtract to find the differences with these 3-digit number problems on this spooky, Halloween-themed worksheet.
This printable 3-digit addition worksheet is Valentine's-themed, with pictures of teddy bears and hearts.
Print out this 3-digit subtraction worksheet for your students to practice with around Valentine's Day.
This St. Patrick's Day-themed addition worksheet has nine 3-digit addition problems for your students to solve.
This fun St. Patrick's Day worksheet features nine 3-digit subtraction problems for your student's to solve.
In week 4 of Math Buzz, students will practice measurement, naming 3D solid shapes, place value, dividing shapes into equal parts, and making a bar graph.
On these worksheets, students will practice and review naming fraction parts, counting place value blocks, bar model addition and subtraction, expanded form, and measuring centimeters.
Within this set you'll find a variety of word problems, determining odd from even, telling time questions, geometry problems, and equal parts questions.
In the sixth week of Math Buzz, students will compare metric linear measurements, count money, divide rectangles into thirds, order numbers from greatest to least, use multiplication or repeated addition to solve an equal groups word problem.
On these worksheets, students will be asked to practice basic multiplication with arrays, tell what fraction of a shape is shaded, add, subtract, compare 3-digit numbers, and solve a measurement word problem.
Practice reading line plots, comparing numbers, comparing money amounts, number bonds, basic multiplication word problems, and rounding.
This one has more arrays, a multiplication bar model, polygon questions, analog clocks, a perimeter questions, and a bar graph.
Answer questions related to symmetry, number bonds, arrays, thermometers, and missing addends, and multi-step word problems.
On these daily math printables, your students can practice rounding on a number line, identifying polygons with right angles, telling time, and basic multiplication facts.
Review fractions on a number line (quarters), types of angles, multiples of a number, rounding with a number line, and perimeter.
On these sheets your class will calculate elapsed time, find missing factors, divide using models, and find shapes with parallel lines.
Find the rule for the input/output table, tell how to solve a multi-step word problem, complete operations with parenthesis, write mixed numbers on a number line, and multiply to find the area of a square.
On these printables, students will solve basic multiplication and division problems, find equivalent fractions, and compare some numbers and fractions.
This worksheet has questions about the number of days in a Leap Year and non-Leap Year. Students are also asked to circle the LYs in a list. They are also asked to explain how you calculate which years are LYs and which are not.
Add the 3-digit numbers starting with the ones, then tens, then hundreds. Boxes are available to show regrouping/carrying.
Add the numbers together starting with the ones place. Regroup if necessary and show the regrouping with the box provided. After, circle whether you regrouped or not.
Review word problems, area, rounding, basic division, elapsed time, comparing fractions, expanded form, and measurement to the nearest quarter inch.
This file contains 5 worksheets, with one word problem on each page. There are 3 multi-step problems and 2 one-step problems.
(Click the 'Alt' button below if you prefer color poster versions of these problems.)
This file has five more word problems- one for each day of the school week. In this set, students will use addition, subtraction, and basic multiplication (repeated addition) to solve single and multi-step problems.
Students will use math skills to answer a series of questions about golf balls, coins, t-shirts, and crayons.
This set has multiple-step problems with addition and subtraction, as well as single-step multiplication problem, and a special place value challenge.
In this file, you'll see a new 3rd grade word problem for each day of the week. Skills include counting money, addition, and subtraction, as well as basic multiplication.
Read the story about a Safari Adventure, and answer the math problems that go along with it.
James Cotter's mother is a teacher and she's setting up a classroom for the new year. James helps his mother pass out supplies, but he needs to use his math skills to find out what supplies are needed.
Patty Potter and her class plant a flower garden on the school grounds. Read the story and answer the math questions
Read about the endangered cow breeds on Grandpa McDonald's farm. Then answer the math questions that follow.
In the 4th week, students will practice attributes of solid shapes, value of the underlined digit, estimating length, and double-digit addition with regrouping.
Solve the 3-digit subtraction problems. Then cut out the puzzle pieces. Glue each numbered puzzle piece on the answer to a problem to assemble a mystery picture. Picture shows students and a school bus.
Find the sum for each 3-digit addition problem. Then cut out the numbered puzzle pieces. Place the numbered pieces on the corresponding sums. THe finished picture is a werewolf howling at the full moon.
Solve the 3-digit subtraction problems. Then cut out the numbered puzzle pieces. Place the numbered pieces on the corresponding differences/answers. The finished picture is Dr. Frankenstein's monster.
Solve the 3-digit subtraction problems. (Most problems require regrouping.) Then cut out the puzzle parts. Match each difference with the correct problem to complete the puzzle. The completed puzzle shows Santa placing gifts below a tree.
Find the sum for each 3-digit addition problem. Then cut out the puzzle pieces. Match the number (sum) on each puzzle piece with the corresponding addition problem. The completed puzzle shows a lovely gingerbread house.
Find the sums. Then cut out the numbered puzzle pieces. Match each puzzle piece (sum) with the correct addition problem.
Add the money amounts to find the sums. Then cut out the picture puzzle pieces. Match each numbered (sum) piece to the correct problem. The completed picture shows a hot air balloon.
Add the double-digit numbers. Cut out the puzzle pieces. Place each puzzle piece on the correct square with the corresponding sum. The finished puzzle picture shows a rocket traveling through outer space.
Subtract to find the differences. Then cut out the picture puzzle squares. Each puzzle square has a number (difference). Match the answers on the math sheet to the numbers on the puzzle pieces to make a picture. Completed puzzle shows a farm scene with a farmer, a cow, and a pig.
Solve the 3-digit subtraction problems. Then cut out the numbered picture squares. Match each picture square with the answer on the math page. Clue the squares in the correct positions to reveal a picture of a turkey.
How do bees get to school in the morning? To find out, figure out the answers to the 3-digit addition and subtraction problems.
Find the missing addends to calculate the number of years your team needs to score a touchdown.
Add the number on the quarterback's jersey to the number on the receiver's jersey to complete each pass.
Subtract the losing team's score from the winning team's score to figure out how many points the winning team came out on top by.
Determine how much liquid is in each of the two beakers and subtract to find the difference. Solve multi-step problems using knowledge of the four operations. Divide $20 equally among four children.
Interpret data on a table. Review multi-digit addition and subtraction. Calculate elapsed time. Divide 18 items equally among three people.
The answers to these subtraction problems are the key to unscrambling this mystery picture! Solve the equations, and then cut and clue the pictures onto the squares with the corresponding answers.
Students can use the solutions to these equations to unscramble an adorable Easter picture.
Solve a variety of subtraction problems, including word problems, vertical and horizontal equations, and missing digit questions.
Add the money amounts to determine how much you'll spend on your family members at the Secret Santa Market.
This worksheet includes 8 subtraction problems of various styles, such as word problems, simple equations, and filling in the missing digit. Some require regrouping.
These subtraction problems require no regrouping.
This page includes word problems, fill-in-the-blanks, and simple subtraction problems.
This worksheet includes a few different styles of questions. Some problems require regrouping.
Use this worksheet to help students practice adding with three digits.
This worksheet includes a variety of 4-digit addition problems, including two word problems, horizontal and vertical equations, and more.
Practice adding money with this worksheet. It includes several styles of math problems, such as word problems and fill-in-the-blanks.
Find the sums and color the shapes accordingly to reveal a picture of two lanterns.
Depending on which worksheet from this file you give your students, they will color either a dog or a cat.
Which worksheet they complete will determine whether your students color in an apple or a banana.
Will this mystery picture be a boat or a plane? It depends which worksheet you give your students!
Complete the addition problems and color the page according to the key. The two worksheets have the same pattern, but when colored in, each will reveal a different picture.
Solve the addition problems and color the worksheet based on the key. Depending on which you complete, you will create either a police car or a fire truck.
This set of five daily word problems includes multi-step operations problems, elapsed time, and more!
This next set of daily word problems includes several multi-step operations problems and an elapsed time problem.
This set of daily word problems includes deciphering a graph, interpreting data on a table, and operations problems.
Operations with money, measurement, and elapsed time are some of the skills students will work on with this week's daily math problems.
This file contains two mystery picture worksheets. They look very similar but depending on which one you do, the picture will be different.
Will your worksheet reveal a tasty summer treat or classic beach toys? It depends which of the two worksheets in this file you complete.
Find the sums and color accordingly to reveal the mystery image.
Students will solve 16 addition problems and use the answers to piece together a Valentine's Day picture.
Use the sums from 16 addition problems to put together a Valentine's Day picture.
Use the sums from 16 addition problems to put together a Thanksgiving-themed puzzle picture.
Students will add the problems and use their answers to unscramble the holiday picture.
Complete the addition problems and use your answers to unscramble the puzzle.
Solve the math problems and use the sums to unscramble the puzzle and view the mystery picture.
Celebrate the 100th day of school by completing this math puzzle picture.
Practice addition skills while celebrating the 100th day of school with this fun puzzle worksheet.
Complete the subtraction problems and use your answers to put together the puzzle pieces and reveal a fun Groundhog Day image!
Students will complete the basic addition problems and use the answers and their corresponding colors to complete this worksheet.
Have your students complete this maze and solve the addition problem by filling in the number of pumpkins the good witch passes on her way through the maze and adding them together.
On their way through this maze, your students will fill in the number of pumpkins their path passes. At the end, they will add up all the pumpkins to find the total.
This is our most difficult Halloween addition maze, for those especially talented at navigating all the twists and turns. They'll have to add up 7 numbers to find the sum of all the pumpkins they pass.
Find the sums for these 3-digit addition problems. Then use the answers to put the puzzle together and see what this Day of the Dead mystery picture looks like.
Solve the 3-digit subtraction problems and use the answers to find out what the puzzle picture looks like.
This next set of daily word problems involves reading and understanding data on tables, operations with money, and more.
With these worksheets, students will practice skills such as completing a table, reading and interpreting a line plot, and performing multi-step operations.
Daily practice can really help students learn and remember important math skills. This week, students will interpret data on a table, draw pictures to solve problems with fractions, and more.
Practice skills involving operations with money, fractions, and more with these daily word problems.
With this next set in the series, students will practice concepts such as fractions, elapsed time, and area using the realistic situations described in the word problems.
Review important math skills every day with these daily worksheets.
Give your students the opportunity to practice important math skills every day with these daily word problems. This set includes a bar graph, elapsed time, area, and more.
Practice more important math skills with this next set of daily word problems. Area, operations with money, and factors are some of the skills included this week.
Practice fractions, number lines, perimeter, and more with this group of daily math worksheets.
Practice skills such as reading a table, comparing fractions, calculating perimeter, and more with the next set of daily word problems.
This week students will work on skills such as finding area, completing a table, comparing fractions, and more.
Continue practicing important math skills every day with our next set of Daily Word Problems.
Practice fractions, reasoning, and reading and interpreting data on a line plot with this week's daily word problems.
After this week's set of worksheets, your students may be ready to move on to our Level D Daily Word Problems.
Solve nine 2-digit by 2-digit addition problems using partial sums.
This worksheet shows a step-by-step example of how to solve an addition problem using partial sums. Then students can solve nine problems on their own.
Use the spaces on the graph paper to solve the 2-digit addition problems using the partial sums method.
This file has 4 pages showing how to solve an addition problem with partial sums. The final page shows a full example with all numbers.
This anchor chart shows an example of a completed math problem solved with the partial sums method of addition. It also includes a brief written explanation of how to use the method.
This printout includes several pages showing how to solve a 3-digit by 3-digit addition problem with partial sums.
Print out this anchor chart to use as a reference for solving 3-digit addition problems with the partial sums method.
This page has space for students to solve the three-digit addition problems on graph paper using partial sums.
This printable shows a step-by-step example of how to solve a 3-digit addition problem with partial sums. Students can reference the example as they complete 9 other problems.
On this worksheet, students will practice their addition skills using the partial sums method.
This printout outlines how to solve 4-digit addition problems with partial sums in an easy-to-understand way.
This anchor chart easily outlines how to split up 4-digit addition problems using partial sums. It includes a complete example of a solved problem.
Use the graph paper to show your work when solving the six addition problems on this page.
Solve the 4-digit addition problems on this page using partial sums. A helpful example to refer back to is included at the top of the page.
Find the answers to these addition problems by using the partial sums method. Boxes provide ample space to show work.
Write each of the partial addends and sums in their appropriate boxes and add the partial sums together to get the total sums for these 5-digit addition problems.
Use the graph paper to keep your work written neatly as you solve these 5-digit problems with the partial sums method.
Use the partial sums method to solve the addition problems on this page. Boxes are included to write each partial sum.
This handy anchor chart shows a completed example of a 5-digit by 5-digit addition problem solved using partial sums. It also includes a few sentences summarizing how to solve such problems.
This outline shows a breakdown of how to solve a 5-digit addition problem using the partial sums method. Several pages include space for students to write in numbers on their own, while the last page shows an example of a completed problem with all work shown.
Players match the addition fact card to the sums. 
Try this fun and free chain reaction game that teaches basic addition facts.
Here's a complete set of triangular fact family flashcards to teach subtraction and addition facts.
Count the dots on each domino and add to find the sum.
Write the domino addends, then count the dots to find the correct sum.
Add together the red and white counters to find the sum.
Tell which addition problems are shown by each number line.
Students use the number line picture to help them add.
Logical thinking:  Write the missing numbers to make each scale balance.
Write the sum for each addition problem, then color the parrot according to the key.
Solve the addition problems, the color-by-number according to the key.  Picture makes a colorful rooster.
Solve the simple one-digit addition problems, and color the hot air balloon picture according to the code.
Color a king and queen's castle.  Solve the basic adding facts and color the picture.
Find the sums and color; Picture makes a colorful clownfish.
Answer the addition facts and color the rocket picture according to the code at the bottom.
After answering the addition facts, color the sailboat according to the key.
Solve the basic addition problems. Each problem has addends up to 9 and sums up to 18. Then color the summer scene according to the key.
(Approx. grade levels: K-2)
Find the sum for each problem, then color the mystery picture according to the code.
Solve the problems to reveal fruits and vegetables: a red apple, a yellow banana, green guava fruit, and an orange carrot.
Solve the facts and color this adorable brown dog with black spots.
Color the blue whale mystery picture after solving the basic addition facts.
Another basic facts drill.  The first addend is between 0 and 6.  This worksheet has race car graphics.
More basic addition fact practice.  The first addend is between 0 and 7.  Kitty cat pictures.
Basic addition facts.  The first addend for each problem is between 0 and 8.  Cute wizard pictures.
Basic addition worksheet.  First addend is between 0 and 9.  Includes cartoon frog pictures.
Try to write the answers to all 50 Basic Addition Facts (0 -9) as quickly as possible.
Try to find and circle all of the addition facts hidden in this number hunt puzzle.  It's kind of like a word search, except students search for addition facts.
Write the answers to the addition math facts and color the Thanksgiving turkey according to the key.
Read the story of Wendy's Camping Adventure, then answer the math questions the follow.
Subtraction story problems that involve borrowing.  (2 and 3-digit numbers)
Graph paper subtraction will ensure kids can line up their place value columns perfectly.
Write numbers on the balloons - and try not to pop them!  Count by twenty-fives all the way up to six hundred.
These seven questions will review 'counting by 25s'.
The waddle of penguins are all lined up on the ice flow to count by twenty-fives.  Some are missing!  Students write the correct numbers on the penguins.
Twenty-five, fifty, seventy-five, one hundred!  Review counting by 25s with this worksheet.  This free worksheet features illustrations of bikers.
Count the t-shirts, baseballs, and gum sticks in groups of twenty-five. 
Practice counting by twelves. Then answer the related skip counting questions and word problems.
Count by twelves on the balloons. Skip count from 12 up to 288.
Count by dozens, from twelve all the way up to 288. Write each multiple of twelve on the penguins on this free worksheet.
Skip count by twelves and fill in the empty boxes with the correct numbers. This worksheet has pictures of kayakers.
Fill in the missing numbers as you skip count by 11s. Then answer the related questions that follow.
Write the multiples of eleven on the balloon pictures. Numbers go from 11 all the way up to 264.
Skip count by 11s. Write the multiples of 11 on the tummies of the Arctic penguins on this free printable.
Count by elevens and fill missing numbers in the boxes. This worksheet has a music theme.
Counting by twenty-fives is easy to understand with these printable number lines.
Skip count by 4s and write the correct numbers in the boxes.
29,206.  That's the secret number... but the digits aren't in the right order.  One of the twos should be in the thousands place.  The other two is in the hundreds place.
The digits in this number are 1, 2, 9, and 9.  Immediately after the comma, you'll spot a couple of upside-down sixes.  The smallest digit can be found in the ones position.
Maybe the picture of the octopus will help you figure out the number in the tens position.  Two digits are even and one is odd.
Before the comma is a number that equals one dozen.  The digits one through five are each used once in this number.  In the hundreds place there's a digit that's one higher than two.
The digit found in the ones place is an eight, three, two, or a zero.  If you know how many sides a hexagon has, finding the tens place will be easy.  To find the hundreds, subtract twenty-one minus nineteen.
The number in the thousands place can be found by calculating forty-nine less than fifty-three.  The tens and hundreds place are the same.  Use subtraction again to find the value of the ones.
This is the largest secret number so far.  It has one comma, with two digits to the left of the comma.  To find the first two digits, you need to know how many minutes are in a quarter hour.
There are more than two digits in this number, but also less than four.  In the ones place you'll see the largest possible digit.  The value of the digit in the tens place is equal to seventy.
Find the sums of three-digit addends.  These problems require knowledge of regrouping.  Includes an MLK-themed word problem and a picture of King.
Subtract three-digit numbers.  These problems require borrowing/regrouping.  There is an MLK word problem and picture.
Write the answers to the addition math facts and color according to the key.
Write the answers to the addition math facts and color according to the key.
Addition arrow chains; Repeated addition.
Solve to find the answers to the basic addition facts. Then color according to the key to reveal an Earth Day picture.
Write the sums for the basic addition facts, then color according to the key. The mystery picture is a reindeer.
Find the sum for each addition fact. Then color according to the key. The mystery picture is a colorful dragon.
Memory match card game. Flip cards to match each addition fact with the correct domino.
Kids look through a grocery store ad paper and choose 3 foods they'd like to buy.  They cut out the pictures and prices, then glue them onto the worksheet.  Then they must add the prices of the 3 items together to find the sum.
Double-digit column addition problems with three addends; Includes one word problem
Single-digit column addition problems with five addends; Includes two word problems
Single-digit column addition problems with three addends; Includes two word problems
Solve the basic addition problems. The color according to the key at the bottom of the page. All addition problems have addends between 1 and 12.
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