3rd Grade Common Core: 3.NBT.1
Common Core Identifier: 3.NBT.1 / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Number And Operations In Base Ten: Use Place Value Understanding And Properties Of Operations To Perform Multi-Digit Arithmetic.4
Detail: Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
61 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Round these 3-digit numbers to the nearest ten. (example: 465 rounds to 470)
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A set of questions for rounding to the nearest ten and hundred.
Round each two-digit number to the nearest ten. The color according to the key to see a picture of a brown owl.
These review word problems require student knowledge of place value and rounding.
Help the rockets land on the correct planets by rounding the 2-digit numbers to the nearest 10.
Round up and down for each number. Circle the number that is rounded to the nearest ten. Includes only two-digit numbers.
Another number line activity to learn about rounding.
More practice with rounding numbers to the nearest hundred.
Round up and down for each number. Circle the number that is rounded to the nearest hundred. Includes only three-digit numbers.
Round each number to the nearest ten. Then round to the nearest hundred.
Rounding to the nearest ten is easy with this color-coded chart.
Round each number to the nearest hundred and tell whether you're "rounding up" or "rounding down."
Help the rockets land on the correct planets by rounding the 2-digit numbers to the nearest 10.
This is another version of the thousands chart to help kids round to the nearest hundred.
This color-coded ninety-nines chart teaches students how to round numbers to the nearest ten.
Practice rounding these numbers to the nearest hundred.
Use this thousands chart to round numbers to the nearest hundred.
The arrows on this hundreds chart will help students learn how to round numbers to the nearest ten.
This ninety-nines chart has arrows to show students when to round up and when to round down.
In this printable math activity, round to the nearest one hundred to solve the rounding caterpillars.
Round each number to the nearest hundred. Includes 3 and 4-digit numbers. Then use the answers to decode the answer to the riddle: Why did the girl put a cookie under her pillow when she went to bed?
This daily review set has more patterns, clocks, and base-10 place value blocks. There are also questions about capacity and calendars.
Part 1: Round double-digit numbers to the nearest ten. Part 2: Star numbers. Part 3: Write four numbers on the web that round to 20. Part 4: True and False.
This set includes place value blocks, addition input/output boxes, fractions of a set, arrays, and linear measurement.
These task cards have 3 and 4-digit numbers. Round each to the nearest hundred. Use for learning centers, classroom games, and small group instruction.
Use the cypher key at the top of the page to decode the 3 and 4-digit numbers. Then round each to the nearest hundred.
With these worksheets, your class can solve an elapsed time problem using a number line, divide a trapezoid into equal parts, name fractional points on a number line, make a bar graph, and identify right angles.
Use the number lines to help round numbers to the nearest 10 and nearest 100.
Round the numbers shown to the nearest hundred. This version of Scoot! includes cards with 3-digit and 4-digit numbers.
Each card has a two-digit number on it. Round the numbers shown to the nearest ten. This version only has 2-digit numbers.
(example: Round 24 to the nearest ten.)
(example: Round 24 to the nearest ten.)
These task cards have 2-digit numbers that students can round to the nearest ten. Use these cards for class scavenger hunts, or as math learning centers.
Decode the secret number symbols. Then round each number. Includes only single and double-digit numbers.
This worksheet has higher-order thinking questions to use with your rounding lesson.
This worksheet has 22 double-digit numbers for students to round. The last two are cupcake-themed word problems.
Round to the nearest ten to complete each bubble in the rounding caterpillar.
Students begin by making a foldable, origami fortune teller (cootie catcher) game. When they play, students will round 2-digit numbers to the nearest ten.
Round each number to the nearest hundred. (example: Round 329 to the nearest hundred.)
Use the numbers lines to round each number to the nearest 10.
On these printable activities, your class will write repeated addition number sentences, complete addition/subtraction bar models, interpret a line plot, interpret a pictograph, and draw hands on an analog clock.
Students build an origami cootie catcher (aka fortune teller). Then they use it to play a learning game in which they round numbers to the nearest hundred.
A set of multiple choice questions for rounding to the nearest hundred.
This file contains five worksheets. Skills covered include: liner measurement, input-output boxes (subtraction), perimeter of a trapezoid, and reading thermometers.
Use the number line to learn how to round to the nearest ten.
Decode the numbers, then round each one to the nearest ten. (example: 264 rounds to 260)
Count square units to find area of a square, solve a division problem using a graphic model, find missing numbers in 4-digit addition and subtraction problems, solve a multi-step word problem, and identify fractions on a number line.
In this game, students will move from desk to desk, finding numbers and rounding them to the nearest ten.
Round the number to the nearest ten, then tell whether you rounded up or rounded down.
Part 1: Round to the nearest hundred. Part 2: Bubble numbers. Part 3: Web. Part 4: True and false.
Here students will differentiate between open and closed shapes, solve an elapsed time problem, compare numbers, and find multiples of a number.
Answer a set of questions and word problems on rounding numbers.
This file has 30 task cards. Students round 2, 3, and 4-digit numbers to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred.
This is the first week of the 4th grade math buzz series. This file contains 5 worksheets, reviewing basic skills from the previous grade. Skills covered include: place value, linear measurement, multiplication facts, and comparing fractions.
Choose numbers from the bank that round the the numbers given.
In this fast-paced card game, students move around the classroom to desks with rounding task cards attached to them. For each card, they round the given number to the nearest hundred.
Round each 2 or 3-digit number to the nearest ten. (example: Round 148 to the nearest ten.)
Cut out the numbers at the bottom of the page. Round each number and glue the answer next to each given number.
On these worksheets, students will be asked to practice basic multiplication with arrays, tell what fraction of a shape is shaded, add, subtract, compare 3-digit numbers, and solve a measurement word problem.
Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall? Round each of the numbers to the nearest ten.
In week eleven, we cover multiples, arrays, word problems, perimeter, and creating bar graphs.