3rd Grade Common Core: 3.MD.7
Common Core Identifier: 3.MD.7 / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Measurement And Data: Geometric Measurement: Understand Concepts Of Area And Relate Area To Multiplication And To Addition.
Detail: Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition.
10 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Use your ruler to measure the pigs' pen, the corn field, and the cows' pasture. Multiply to find the area of each.
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After this week's set of worksheets, your students may be ready to move on to our Level D Daily Word Problems.
This week students will work on skills such as finding area, completing a table, comparing fractions, and more.
This daily review set has more input and output tables, number line fractions, area problems, and more!
Continue practicing important math skills every day with our next set of Daily Word Problems.
Review word problems, area, rounding, basic division, elapsed time, comparing fractions, expanded form, and measurement to the nearest quarter inch.
Practice skills such as reading a table, comparing fractions, calculating perimeter, and more with the next set of daily word problems.
In week 29 of Math Buzz, students will practice filling in the missing numbers of math problems, compare numbers, and find the area of some rectangles.
Practice fractions, reasoning, and reading and interpreting data on a line plot with this week's daily word problems.