3rd Grade Common Core: 3.MD.1
Common Core Identifier: 3.MD.1 / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Measurement And Data: Solve Problems Involving Measurement And Estimation Of Intervals Of Time, Liquid Volumes, And Masses Of Objects.
Detail: Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram.
68 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Read the beginning and ending time, complete the table by filling in the amount of time that has passed; Time to the nearest minute.
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Read the word problems and answer the questions.
Cut out the clocks and glue them by the correct times. (2:30, 6:16, 8:34)
More story problems with questions about elapsed time.
More "time to the nearest minute" clocks. (12:03, 1:16, 7:56)
Students use the sign on the hardware store to answer the questions about elapsed time.
Read and write the times shown on the clocks. Then write the elapsed times.
Write the times shown on the clocks. Times to the nearest minute. (4:41, 6:32, 1:02)
Students will love the funny movie titles on this elapsed time word problem worksheet.
Read the time shown on each clock. Clock faces to not have numbers. (2:47, 3:59, 4:01)
Play this fun time-telling game with your students. Times to the nearest minute. (2:28, 5:32, 8:19)
Draw hands on the clock faces to show the given times. (8:02, 8:25, 9:59)
Read each analog and digital clock. Tell the current time to the nearest minute, in standard form and using advanced word terminology.
Students cut out the clocks and paste them in the box with the correct time. Clocks feature faces with no numbers.
This week students will work on skills such as finding area, completing a table, comparing fractions, and more.
Practice elapsed time in five minute intervals with this fun class activity. Print out the elapsed time pennants on card stock. Have each student make a pennant. They will write the start time, end time, and elapsed time.
Calculate the time passing between the rainstorms. Write in the sun and cloud illustrations. 15-min increments. (example: 2:15-3:45)
Draw hands on each clock face to show the given time. example: Draw hands to show "Quarter to 7"
With these worksheets, students will practice skills such as completing a table, reading and interpreting a line plot, and performing multi-step operations.
After this week's set of worksheets, your students may be ready to move on to our Level D Daily Word Problems.
Find the time to the nearest minute on this Halloween-themed time worksheet.
These Easter-themed clocks are a fun way to practice telling time.
Solve the elapsed time math problems using number lines. The questions on this worksheet do not require students to regroup minutes into hours.
Practice more important math skills with this next set of daily word problems. Area, operations with money, and factors are some of the skills included this week.
Practice reading line plots, comparing numbers, comparing money amounts, number bonds, basic multiplication word problems, and rounding.
This set of daily word problems includes deciphering a graph, interpreting data on a table, and operations problems.
Read the time on each Christmas clock. Times are shown on analog clocks with minute increments. (examples: 2:32, 7:09, 11:58, etc.)
Show students an example of how to find elapsed time using three different methods: t-chart, number line, and clocks. This anchor chart is for intermediate learners and uses 5-minute increments of time.
Here students will differentiate between open and closed shapes, solve an elapsed time problem, compare numbers, and find multiples of a number.
Make a number line to calculate each elapsed time. The questions on this printable require students to regroup minutes. (example: 2 hours 70 minutes = 3 hours 10 minutes)
Daily practice can really help students learn and remember important math skills. This week, students will interpret data on a table, draw pictures to solve problems with fractions, and more.
Have your first graders cut out the large clock and affix the hands with paper fasteners for a great hands-on time learning tool.
Each of the six clocks on this printable holiday worksheet need to be solved to the nearest minute.
This set of five daily word problems includes multi-step operations problems, elapsed time, and more!
Create basic number lines to solve elapsed time problems. The times on this worksheet are separated in half-hour increments. example: 7:00am to 9:30am.
Practice fractions, number lines, perimeter, and more with this group of daily math worksheets.
This file contains five worksheets. Skills covered include: liner measurement, input-output boxes (subtraction), perimeter of a trapezoid, and reading thermometers.
Operations with money, measurement, and elapsed time are some of the skills students will work on with this week's daily math problems.
Write the times shown on the analog clocks. Then determine the elapsed time.
Read the start time and end time, then fill in the elapsed time; Times in half hour increments.
Students read the time on the clock to the nearest minute and write the time down. The clock face does not have numbers on it.
This anchor chart uses one-minute time increments to provide an example of how to find elapsed time. Using the same question, the page shows three methods of finding the elapsed time--a t-chart, number line, and clocks.
Find the rule for the input/output table, tell how to solve a multi-step word problem, complete operations with parenthesis, write mixed numbers on a number line, and multiply to find the area of a square.
Read the time and tell what the time is using "minutes after" (example: 4:13 = thirteen minutes after four).
Students write the time shown on the clock face. All times are to the nearest minute and only contain times that have minutes between :40 and :59, causing the hour hand to be very close to the next hour. (6:47, 10:59, 4:53)
Continue practicing important math skills every day with our next set of Daily Word Problems.
Practice elapsed time in thirty minute intervals. Print out the pennants on heavy card stock. Students write the start time, end time, and elapsed time. Cut them out and string them up in your classroom!
Calculate elapsed time for a movie. Count to find the value of dollar bills and coins. Solve two multi-step problems using the four basic operations.
This is an alternate version of the game listed above. It includes advanced phrases, such as "Minutes to," "Minutes after," "Quarter to," and "Quarter after."
This anchor chart shows three methods of finding elapsed time. These involve using a t-chart, number line, or clocks. The example shown is for for early learners telling time in half hour increments.
This one has more arrays, a multiplication bar model, polygon questions, analog clocks, a perimeter questions, and a bar graph.
This next set of daily word problems involves reading and understanding data on tables, operations with money, and more.
Complete the chart by filling in the start time, end time, or elapsed time; Times to the nearest minute.
Open this file to view and print 30 task cards with clocks on them. Try using these cards for your classroom math games, small group practice, or learning centers.
Write the time showing on the clock to the nearest minute. None of the clocks feature numbers
Practice skills such as reading a table, comparing fractions, calculating perimeter, and more with the next set of daily word problems.
Week twenty-four of our daily math review includes input and output tables, area, perimeter, and some multiplication and division facts.
Tell the time using "minutes to" (example: 4:50 = ten minutes to five).
Practice elapsed time in one minute intervals. Print out the pennants on heavy card stock. Students write the start time, end time, and elapsed time. Cut them out and string them up in your classroom!
Practice fractions, reasoning, and reading and interpreting data on a line plot with this week's daily word problems.
Students will write the time shown on each of the six popsicle clocks.
Review elapsed time, fractions of a set, basic multiplication & division, and reading data on a line plot.
Read and write the times shown on the clocks. The write the elapsed times.
With this next set in the series, students will practice concepts such as fractions, elapsed time, and area using the realistic situations described in the word problems.
This St. Patrick's Day-themed worksheet has six clocks for your students to find the time to the nearest minute.
This next set of daily word problems includes several multi-step operations problems and an elapsed time problem.
Write the time shown on each clock and tell how many minutes until the New Year.