2nd Grade Common Core: 2.OA.2
Common Core Identifier: 2.OA.2 / Grade: 2
Curriculum: Operations And Algebraic Thinking: Add And Subtract Within 20.
Detail: Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.2 By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.
177 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Subtraction mystery picture of an Easter bunny with a basket of eggs.
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Look for pairs of adjacent numbers that have a sum of 10. These game boards are shaped like a fall leaves.
A colorful hot air balloon will be revealed when you answer the math facts and color according to the key.
This page has subtraction problems illustrated with pictures of counters.
Solve the basic addition problems. Each problem has addends up to 9 and sums up to 18. Then color the summer scene according to the key.
(Approx. grade levels: K-2)
(Approx. grade levels: K-2)
Try this fun and free chain reaction game that teaches basic addition facts.
Solve the basic subtraction problems and color by number to reveal a picture of a colorful butterfly.
Solve to find the answers to the basic addition facts. Then color according to the key to reveal an Earth Day picture.
Find the difference for each basic subtraction fact. Then color according to the key to reveal a brown owl. All subtraction problems have differences within 20.
Solve the subtraction problems and color-by-number to reveal a picture of a colorful parrot.
Add or subtract to find the missing part of each number bond.
Solve the facts and color this adorable brown dog with black spots.
Solve the basic addition problems with sums up to 18. This worksheet is decorated with Hanukkah-related pictures.
Write the answer for each basic subtraction facts, then color according to the key.
Solve all of the mixed addition and subtraction facts as quickly as possible. Includes sums up to and including 20 and differences up to and including 10.
Use addition or subtraction to determine the missing number in each part-part-whole box.
Write the answers to the addition math facts and color the Thanksgiving turkey according to the key.
Solve the addition problems, the color-by-number according to the key. Picture makes a colorful rooster.
Write the answers to the subtraction problems and color the picture according to the key.
Print out the game board. Then color pairs of adjacent numbers that add up to 17. The player with the most colored shapes wins.
Use the number lines to determine the missing quantity in each subtraction fact. Use the "count back" technique.
Another worksheet with fact family houses in which students much write the correct numbers.
Find the sums and color; Picture makes a colorful clownfish.
Subtraction fact blast off! Solve the facts and color the rocket.
Solve 43 basic subtraction problems as quickly as possible. All numbers are 20 or less. Differences are ten or less.
Color the blue whale mystery picture after solving the basic addition facts.
Logical thinking: Write the missing numbers to make each scale balance.
Write the answers to the subtraction problems and color the picture according to the key.
Write the sums for the basic addition facts, then color according to the key.
More fact family subtraction-addition fact family triangles to solve.
Solve the basic subtraction problems (all minuends are 18 or less; all subtrahends are exactly 9). Then color the mystery scene according to the key. Scene will show a beach ball and sand pail.
Solve the simple one-digit addition problems, and color the hot air balloon picture according to the code.
Write the answers to the addition math facts and color according to the key.
Find the difference for each subtraction fact. Then color according to the key to reveal a colorful Chinese New Year picture.
Use the number line to determine the missing number in each subtraction fact.
Write the correct numbers in each addition/subtraction fact family triangle.
Answer the addition facts and color the rocket picture according to the code at the bottom.
Find the differences and color the dog picture according to the color code.
Addition mystery picture of an Easter bunny with a basket of eggs.
Write the answers to the subtraction problems, then color the mystery picture of a clownfish.
A complete set of basic subtraction flashcards up to 18 - 9. This file has 4 large cards per page.
Find the answer to each basic subtraction fact, then color to see the blue and gray whale.
Find the sum for each problem, then color the mystery picture according to the code.
Here's a complete set of triangular fact family flashcards to teach subtraction and addition facts.
Looking for more than 25 facts? Try this worksheet. It has 50!
Write the sums for the basic addition facts, then color according to the key. The mystery picture is a reindeer.
Write the correct addition/subtraction fact family for each set of numbers.
When they solve and color the picture, students will see a colorful sailboat.
Color a king and queen's castle. Solve the basic adding facts and color the picture.
This worksheet has four very basic addition and subtraction word problems with an Easter theme.
Find the sum for each addition fact. Then color according to the key. The mystery picture is a colorful dragon.
Determine which subtraction problems are being shown by each of the number lines.
After answering the addition facts, color the sailboat according to the key.
Solve the basic subtraction problems and color-by-number to reveal a picture of a rooster.
Solve to find the answers to the basic subtraction facts. Then color according to the key to reveal a picture of the planet Earth.
Solve the basic addition problems. The color according to the key at the bottom of the page. All addition problems have addends between 1 and 12.
Write the answers to the subtraction facts and color the royal castle.
Match each subtraction with with the answer in this fun card game.
Subtract the numbers to find the differences, then color according to the code at the bottom.
Solve the problems to reveal fruits and vegetables: a red apple, a yellow banana, green guava fruit, and an orange carrot.
Basic addition math drill sheet with addends 0 through 9. Includes Martin Luther King graphics.
Write the difference for each of the basic subtraction facts, then color according to the key. Christmas stocking picture.
This worksheet has 43 basic subtraction facts. How quickly can you students solve them? All numbers are 18 or less. Differences are all equal to or less than nine.
Write the answers to basic subtraction problems and color the Thanksgiving turkey according to the key.
Write the sum for each addition problem, then color the parrot according to the key.
Write the answers to the addition math facts and color according to the key.
Write the sum for the basic addition facts, then color the stocking according to the key.
Download this basic subtraction activity and practice subtraction facts with minuends up to 20.
Students love playing our Scoot! games. There are 30 task cards, answer sheets for 20, 25, and 30 questions, and teacher instructions. This version of Scoot! has simple math addition facts to be solved, ideal for students in grades K - 2.
This printable math worksheet is another version of mixed addition and subtraction math facts laid out horizontally.
First write the answers to the basic subtraction facts. Then color each section of the picture according to the key at the bottom. The finish picture shows a groundhog popping out of his burrow in springtime.
Students can hunt for basic subtraction facts with this printable number puzzle. Find and circle all 20 subtraction facts.
Use scissors to cut along the dotted lines and separate all of the puzzle pieces. On the attached page, there are several different ways for your students to play and learn with these puzzles.
Solve the addition problems and color the worksheet based on the key. Depending on which you complete, you will create either a police car or a fire truck.
Solve the addition problems and color according to the key to reveal two different Thanksgiving-themed mystery pictures.
Solve the basic math problems in the picture. Use the answers to find what color each space should be and reveal a beach scene.
Students will plot the given points and reveal the mystery picture: a Valentine's Day heart.
Your students will solve the basic addition facts and then color each section according to the color key at the bottom.
Add and subtract to find the answers to the math problems. Then color each section of the dragon picture according to the key near the bottom of the worksheet.
Cut out ten number tiles at the bottom of the page. Glue each number next to the correct subtraction fact.
This printable worksheet has basic addition problems to solve. Next, use the sums to determine what color to use for each space. An airplane will appear in the finished picture.
Will your worksheet reveal a tasty summer treat or classic beach toys? It depends which of the two worksheets in this file you complete.
This worksheet has 4 number bonds for students to complete. Below each one there is space for them to fill in the complete equation expressed by the diagram.
Use scissors to cut these 36 cards out along the dotted lines. Match the basic addition problem to the matching domino card.
Find and draw the missing counters and then complete the subtraction fact.
Students will solve the basic addition problems and color in the spaces to reveal school supplies and an apple on a desk.
After writing the answers to basic subtraction problems, students color the Christmas tree according to the color code at the bottom of the page.
When students play this game, they will take turns rolling a die. The number they roll corresponds with a column on the game board. They must read and answer all subtraction facts in the column as quickly as they can.
In this math card game, students take turns matching each subtraction fact with its answer.
Write the answers to twenty addition facts and color the pictures, if you wish. Addends are 10 or less. Sums are up to 20. (examples: 6+10=16 and 9+9=18) This worksheet features illustrations of kids holding seashells.
Students can solve these basic subtraction problems and then color the picture accordingly to reveal a fun Easter design.
Find the answers to the subtraction problems and color according to the key to reveal the patriotic mystery picture.
Here are 6 more number bonds for students to complete using addition and subtraction.
Have your students solve these basic subtraction facts on this printable patriotic-themed worksheet.
This printable addition worksheet has twenty addition problems to be solved. The addition facts on this worksheet are listed horizontally with addends up to 10 and sums up to 20.
This is a set of flashcards up to 10 + 10. This set has 9 cards per page.
Using the sums from basic addition facts, color according to the key to find a cute fox.
This printable worksheet provides number lines to help students solve the addition problems.
Which worksheet they complete will determine whether your students color in an apple or a banana.
On their way through this maze, your students will fill in the number of pumpkins their path passes. At the end, they will add up all the pumpkins to find the total.
When students solve basic addition problems, they'll be able to decode a picture of a mother bird sitting on her eggs.
Some of these subtraction facts have correct answers and some are incorrect. Circle the correct answers and cross out the incorrect ones.
Print out this worksheet to practice basic addition problems with sums up to 20.
Solve the addition problems and color according to the key to reveal the mystery pictures.
This page includes 6 number bonds, each with one number missing. Students will use addition or subtraction to find and fill in that missing number.
Use the dominoes to make and solve these basic addition problems.
Have your students solve the subtraction word problem by drawing a picture to help find the answer.
Have your students solve these very basic subtraction problems. Then they will use the color key to color in the puzzle to reveal sea shells on a beach.
First, write the answers to the addition facts. (Facts have addends up to 10.) Then follow the code at the bottom to color the spaces. The finished product is a portrait of Santa Claus.
Solve the subtraction facts and color according to the key to reveal a fox!
Print out a subtraction bingo board for each student in your class. The teacher calls out subtraction facts and the class marks the answers on their boards.
Color and solve these 20 math problems. Addends are 10 or less. Sums are 20 or less. (examples: 6+9=15 and 7+7=14)
Illustrations of kids on a bike and a skateboard are featured on this worksheet.
Illustrations of kids on a bike and a skateboard are featured on this worksheet.
Find the sums and color the shapes accordingly to reveal a picture of two lanterns.
Students will complete the basic addition problems and use the answers and their corresponding colors to complete this worksheet.
These number bonds are laid out horizontally with the sums on the left.
It's the perfect winter's day! Children will color and cut out the pages of the mini book and staple them together. They can read the book aloud to a teacher, a family member, or a friend.
This printable subtraction worksheet has twenty horizontal subtraction facts to be solved with minuends up to 20.
Download and print flash cards for all basic subtraction facts with minuends to 20 and answers to 10. There are 9 cards per page.
Color the picture by solving the basic addition problems to find the friendly robot!
This worksheet has 20 addition problems for students to solve. Addends are 10 or less and sums are up to 20.
Will this mystery picture be a boat or a plane? It depends which worksheet you give your students!
This is our most difficult Halloween addition maze, for those especially talented at navigating all the twists and turns. They'll have to add up 7 numbers to find the sum of all the pumpkins they pass.
Use this printable math activity to help children practice basic subtraction facts with minuends up to 20.
Solve the basic math facts on this worksheet and color each section according to the key at the bottom. The completed worksheet will reveal a rocket ship in space.
Solve the basic addition problems and color. The finished picture reveals a scene with a jack-o-lantern, a cat, a bat, and a witch.
Write the sum of each pair of numbers. Then color according to the key at the bottom. The finished picture shows a groundhog emerging from his hole.
Write the answers to the subtraction facts on the caterpillar. All facts have minuends of 20 or less. (example: 15-5)
This is a 2-player game for students to compete and practice their addition facts with each other.
This file contains three worksheets. They may look like they have the same design, but when colored in according to the addition problems, each will reveal a unique Easter picture.
Each number bond on this printout has two sets of objects. Students will count the objects to fill in the number bonds.
This printable has a set of 30 bingo boards and 42 calling cards with basic addition facts to call out.
Complete the picture models to help find the answer to the subtraction problems. Then write a subtraction fact for each.
Solve all of the subtraction problems and color in the picture according to the color key on the bottom of the worksheet.
To the colorful picture picture of a ladybug, students will need to find the differences between pairs of numbers.
Color the robot picture by answering the subtraction facts and using the key.
Print out this worksheet to practice basic subtraction facts with minuends up to 20.
Depending on which worksheet from this file you give your students, they will color either a dog or a cat.
Have your students complete this maze and solve the addition problem by filling in the number of pumpkins the good witch passes on her way through the maze and adding them together.
These horizontal number bonds have the sums on the right side.
Cut apart the stars into 30 pieces. Have your students combine matching sums and numbers together to form stars.
This printable worksheet features twenty basic horizontal addition and subtraction problems.
Practice basic addition and create a fun coloring picture with this Easter-themed mystery picture.
Print out these subtraction puzzle pieces for a fun way to practice basic subtraction facts.
Cut out the pieces to these 6
star-shaped puzzles. Then place the problems with the same sum to make stars.
star-shaped puzzles. Then place the problems with the same sum to make stars.
Complete the addition problems and color the page according to the key. The two worksheets have the same pattern, but when colored in, each will reveal a different picture.
Practice basic addition skills and color in two fun mystery pictures with this file.
Help the rocket find the star. Along the way, answer the subtraction facts with minuends to 20 and answers to 10.
Solve the basic math facts on this page and then color by number to reveal a colorful sailboat.
Find the differences. Then color according to the key to reveal a Halloween scene.
Each problem has a sum of 16 or less. After writing the answers, color the dragon picture according to the key.
After writing the differences for the problems on the page, color the sea monster (dragon) according to the color code at the bottom of the picture.
Play Bingo and learn basic subtraction facts at the same time! This printable includes 42 calling cards with subtraction facts on them and a class set (30) of bingo boards.
This file contains two mystery picture worksheets. They look very similar but depending on which one you do, the picture will be different.
Draw the correct number of dots to represent the missing number in each number bond.
Cut out these 36 cards. Flip all the cards face down. Have students take turns flipping the cards to make a match. Example: the "3 + 5" card will match the "8" card.
Draw the counters in the space to provided to help form the number sentence for the subtraction problems.
Solve and color in this mystery picture according to the key to reveal a sunny beach with colorful seashells.
Write the answers to the basic addition problems (with addends up to 10). Then color each part of the tree according to the key at the bottom of the page.
This subtraction exercise helps students practice solving problems with differences from 0 to 10. The final picture is a bird sitting on her nest.
Print this worksheet to have your class practice their addition and subtraction facts. Minuends and addends are all 20 or less.
Each of these facts has addends up to 10 and sums of 20 or less. Illustrations show an kids outside in the rain.
Find the sums and color accordingly to reveal the mystery image.
Complete the number bonds and write the equation represented by the number bond in the blank spaces.
This worksheet has 20 subtraction facts to solve with minuends up to 20.
This worksheet uses pictures of eggs to help students solve the subtraction problems and then write the number sentence to go with it.
Your students will have fun solving the subtraction problems and coloring in the mystery picture to reveal school supplies on a desk.
After solving the basic subtraction facts, color each part of the Santa picture as indicated by the key at the bottom.
Give values of the digits in three-digit number. Subtract to find out how many tulips are in a garden. Color the odd and even tiled numbers.