Super Teacher Worksheets

2nd Grade Common Core: 2.OA.1

Common Core Identifier: 2.OA.1 / Grade: 2
Curriculum: Operations And Algebraic Thinking: Represent And Solve Problems Involving Addition And Subtraction.
Detail: Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.1
96 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Students will need to add and subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers to find the answers to these multi-step word problems.
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Challenge your students to solve these tricky multi-step math problems. Each one requires students to add and/or subtract.
Use addition and subtraction to solve these word problems.
After you practice skip counting by sevens, answer the math questions and word problems.
This page has advanced subtraction, basic multiplication, and basic division word problems.
Skip count by six, then answer each of the word problems and math questions.
Practice skip counting by 9s, then answer the word problems and questions that follow.
First, skip count by 8s. Then answer the related math questions.
This page has four addition and subtraction word problems. Subtraction problems require borrowing.
Complete the grids by filling in the missing numbers. This worksheet has a monkey theme.
On these daily review worksheets, students will review time (am/pm), add 2-digit numbers using the standard algorithm, solve word problems using part-part-whole models, identify flat surfaces on solid shapes, and answer questions related to place value (3-digits).
These set of daily story problems have questions related to addition, subtraction, and place value.
On these worksheets, your children will solve multi-step problems that requires them to add and subtract double-digit numbers.
Use the key at the top of the page to decode the symbol math problems. Then solve each one.
This set includes word problems with extra information, basic multiplication (or repeated addition), and multi-step problems involving addition and subtraction.
This set of word problems has 3 multi-step and 2 single-step problems. Skills include basic addition, subtraction, and basic multiplication.
This worksheet includes a variety of 4-digit addition problems, including two word problems, horizontal and vertical equations, and more.
This week students will interpret a bar graph and practice their addition and subtraction skills.
In week 4 of Math Buzz, students will practice measurement, naming 3D solid shapes, place value, dividing shapes into equal parts, and making a bar graph.
This file contains 5 worksheets, with one problem on each page. There are 3 questions with multiple-steps and 2 with a single step. (Click the 'Alt' button below if you prefer color poster versions of these problems.)
Use an inch ruler to draw lines. Express numbers in expanded and word form. Determine which measuring tool to use.
Here are five more daily word problems, covering a variety of 2nd grade mathematics topics.
Students will use math to solve realistic situations described to them. Worksheets include both single- and multistep problems.
What's a shark's favorite game? To find out, solve the 3-digit addition problems (no regrouping/carrying). Then use the answers to fill in the answer to the riddle.
Here are more problems related to basic addition and subtraction, as well as simple repeated addition (multiplication).
Write the times shown on the analog clocks. Draw the correct temperature on the thermometer. Find days on a calendar. Read and interpret data on a line plot.
Skills on these printables include: odd & even numbers; problems with extra information; addition & subtraction of 2-digit numbers; place value.
Practice key math concepts like addition and subtraction, reading a table, elapsed time, and more with this next series of Daily Word Problems.
Use the key to decode the addends in the secret symbol numbers. Then solve the 4-digit addition problems.
Use bar models to help solve addition and subtraction problems, differentiating between even and odd numbers, add using the standard algorithm, count money, and arranging objects in order of length.
This set of word problems has 1 place value, 2 multi-step, and 2 single-step problems. Skills include basic addition, subtraction, and place value.
This worksheet includes 2- and 3-digit addition with no regrouping required.
The next week's set of daily word problems includes adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers, operations with money, and more!
On these worksheets, students will practice and review naming fraction parts, counting place value blocks, bar model addition and subtraction, expanded form, and measuring centimeters.
In these files you have basic addition & subtraction, as well as addition with 3 addends. There's also one on comparing numbers, and repeated addition (multiplication).
On these five Math Buzz worksheets, students will identify attributes of polygons, count coins, skip count by 5s, identify lines of symmetry, tell time to the nearest 5 minutes, and add three addends together.
Review skills include: reading data on a chart/table; place value; story problems with extra information, multiplication within 5, and odd/even numbers.
Try this next set of Daily Word Problems and have students practice repeated addition, multiplication, elapsed time, and more!
Count by 7s. Write the numbers on the penguins' bellies. Numbers go all the way up to 161.
On these 2nd grade WPs, kids will find more sums, differences, and products. Half require only one step and half require multiple steps.
Tell how many vertices and sides a polygon has. Divide shapes into halves and quarters. Answer questions about a line plot. Subtract double-digit numbers using the standard algorithm.
One problem describes a secret number. Can your students figure out what it is? Another problem requires children to use repeated addition to solve. There are other problems that require students to find sums and differences of 2-digit numbers.
Practice concepts such as reading a table, adding and subtracting, and operations with money.
Subtraction story problems that involve borrowing.  (2 and 3-digit numbers)
Add and subtract 2-digit numbers, choose the correct operations to solve word problems, compare 2-digit numbers, identify odd/even numbers, and match ordinal numbers with their word names.
These worksheets have word problems related to addition, subtraction, and creating arrays.
This worksheet includes 8 subtraction problems of various styles, such as word problems, simple equations, and filling in the missing digit. Some require regrouping.
Add the numbers together starting with the ones place. Regroup if necessary and show the regrouping with the box provided. After, circle whether you regrouped or not.
Challenge your students to solve these five single and multi-step word problems. Includes multiple addends, comparing, and basic adding & subtracting.
Write money amounts using the fewest possible coins. Add and subtract using the standard algorithm. Write the values of the underlined digits. Use mental math to subtract 10 and 100. Divide shapes into equal parts.
This file contains set of worksheets with illustrated 2nd grade math story problems.
Give your students more practice with important elementary math topics such as elapsed time, operations with money, and more.
Count by 7s and write the missing numbers on the balloons. These numbers go up to 168.
Use mental math to subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number, find the value of coins, read and interpret a tally chart, measure to the nearest inch, and identify shapes that are divided into quarters.
These five worksheets have a variety of single and multi-step problems involving simple addition with multiple addends and subtraction problems.
Calculate the number of fish in a pond using data from a table. Rearrange numbers to find a mystery number. Solve a multi-step problem to calculate how many golf balls a boy has.
These daily word problems cover topics like reading and interpreting a graph, operations with money, and more. Once students have successfully wrapped up this set, they may be ready to move on to the next level!
In Math Buzz Week 9, your students will practice addition using the standard algorithm, identify numbers shown by place value blocks, count coins, and find missing shapes in patterns.
There are 3 single-step and 2 multi-step problems in this set. Includes sums with multiple addends, as well as reading and interpreting data on a table.
These subtraction problems require no regrouping.
Skills for this week include reading analog clocks, word problems, writing numbers in expanded form, reading a pictograph, measurement, dividing shapes into equal parts, and counting money.
Learn about halves, thirds, and quarters. Compare using the symbols for greater than, less than, and equal to. Use a centimeter ruler to draw lines. Add and subtract ten using mental math. Read times on analog clocks.
This worksheet packet contains math story challenges require students to add and subtract double-digit numbers, compare numbers, multiply (using repeated addition), and skip count.
This week's daily word problems require skills related to addition, subtraction, telling time, and more!
With this week's worksheets, students will practice both single- and multistep operations, elapsed time, and more.
Subtract to find the missing addends  (example: 71 + __ = 143)
Use a calendar to answer the calendar questions, such as "This year, what day of the week does December 30th fall on?" and "Write the date that is fifteen days after May 25."
Balance these basic equations and solve for the variable x, indicated by a blank line. The problems on this worksheet requires only addition and subtraction skills to solve.
Find the dollars and cents value of each word.
The Antarctic penguins are lined up to show the numbers on their bellies.  Count by fives and tell which numbers are missing.
We're back to a two-digit mystery number.  The digits all contain a zero, three, or six.  Count by 3s and the 12th number you say is the secret one.
Jim loves reading and Meg loves math, so they find a way to help each other.
Subtract the two-digit numbers to find the differences. Most problems require regrouping (borrowing). The word problems and picture features a box of colorful crayons.
The secret number is an even number with six letters in its name.  It is less than 20 but greater than 10.
The secret number is less than 100, but greater than 60.  It's an odd number with a seven in the tens place.  To find the number in the ones place, you add two and one.
Answer questions about the January calendar. Students answer questions like, "How many Mondays are in January?" and "What day of the week is January 29?"
Students answer a series of questions about skip counting by 4s.
Both the first and second digits are odd.  To find the first digit, subtract sixteen from nine.  Both digits are the same.
Aunt Lee just got more than 100 pets! The dialogue gives clues about what they are. Can you figure it out before Cindy?
Double-digit subtraction problems that do NOT require borrowing.
The number for this week does not have two-digits.  It's not an odd number, and it is IV when you write it as a Roman numeral.If you know how many sides a trapezoid has, the number is easy to figure out.
Tell how much money is shown. Write the numbers in standard form. Solve the addition and subtraction word problems.
Use the yearly calendar to answer basic questions about months and days of the week.
Answer questions about the October calendar. Students answer questions like, "Mark's birthday is on March 24. His party is exactly two weeks later. What is the date of his party?"
Balance these basic equations and solve for the variable x. These equations have only addition and subtraction.
The number you're looking for is less than thirty and it's not even.  Count by 5s and you'll say this number.  I have a quarter in my pocket -  that must be a clue. 
Find the answers to the basic subtraction problems and place the squares in the right order to reveal a fun mystery picture. These are two-digit problems that require borrowing.
The two-digit subtraction problems on this worksheet do NOT require students to borrow/regroup.
This week, we have a three-digit number.  It's less than one hundred fifty and if you add all of the digits you get the number three.  If you find the sum of seventy-none and twenty-three, you'll have the secret number.
This worksheet features elapsed time calendar questions. For example, "How many days are there between Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day?"
Addition arrow chains; Repeated addition.
Double-digit subtraction problems that do require borrowing.
Answer questions about the October calendar. Students answer questions like, "Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday is October. What is the date of Columbus Day?"
Make these scales balance. Illustrations show two numbers on one side and a number and a variable on the other side.
This page contains a series of word problem questions about skip counting by 5s.
Answer the word problem questions about counting by 3s.
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Common Core Alignment