2nd Grade Common Core: 2.NBT.6
Common Core Identifier: 2.NBT.6 / Grade: 2
Curriculum: Number And Operations In Base Ten: Use Place Value Understanding And Properties Of Operations To Add And Subtract.
Detail: Add up to four two-digit numbers using strategies based on place value and properties of operations.
15 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Solve these two-digit addition word problems. All problems require carrying (regrouping).
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Double-digit column addition problems with three addends; Includes one word problem
Three-digit column addition problems with three or four addends; Includes one word problem
Solve these double-digit addition word problems. These problems do NOT require regrouping.
Double-digit column addition problems with three or four addends; Includes one word problem
Single-digit column addition problems with five addends; Includes two word problems
In week 4 of Math Buzz, students will practice measurement, naming 3D solid shapes, place value, dividing shapes into equal parts, and making a bar graph.
First, solve the 3-digit addition problems. Then cut out the cards. Sort the sums into two groups: even and odd. Glue the cards on a t-chart.
Students are shown a set of numbers written inside of various shapes. They add similar shapes together. For example: Add the numbers in the trapezoids.
These addition problems have already been solved. Look carefully for mistakes. Explain the errors and solve correctly.
On these worksheets, students will practice and review naming fraction parts, counting place value blocks, bar model addition and subtraction, expanded form, and measuring centimeters.
Add numbers inside similar shapes. For example: Add the numbers inside the hexagons.
Skills for this week include reading analog clocks, word problems, writing numbers in expanded form, reading a pictograph, measurement, dividing shapes into equal parts, and counting money.
Math Story - Safari FREE
Read the story about a Safari Adventure, and answer the math problems that go along with it.
This worksheet includes the associative, commutative, and the identity (zero) properties. Students must write the value of each variable.