2nd Grade Common Core: 2.NBT.1b
Common Core Identifier: 2.NBT.1b / Grade: 2
Curriculum: Number And Operations In Base Ten: Understand Place Value.
Detail: The numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine hundreds (and 0 tens and 0 ones).
15 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This special number is unique because it has 0 tens and 0 ones.
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What 3-digit numbers are represented by the base-10 place value blocks?
Tell how many hundreds, tens, and ones are shown. Then write the number on the blank line.
Which block set makes 952? Is 952 odd or even? Complete the number line. Tell how many 100s, 10s, and 1s.
Then tell what 100 more and 100 less than 467 equals. Tell how many 100s, 10s, and 1s are in 467. Complete the number line to show numbers that come after and before 467.
Write 506 in expanded form. Then tell the value of each digit. Complete the number line to tell what comes before and after 506.
On this worksheet, students will answer a set of questions pertaining to the number six hundred thirty-four. The will tell whether this number is even or odd. Add and subtract using this number. Find the number using place value blocks.
Write the values of the digits in 201. Write the special number in expanded form. Compare using the symbols <, >, and =.
Use "greater than" and "less than" symbols to compare 123 to other numbers. Complete the number line. Tell how many hundreds, tens, and ones.
Use this worksheet to get more practice with place value of numbers with 3 digits. Students will fill in a place-value table and write out numbers in words and expanded form.
Remind students of the different ways to write three-digit numbers with this anchor chart. It shows the standard, written, and expanded forms, as well as the expanded notation.
Show the set of place value blocks represents 349. Write 349 in expanded form. State how many 100s, 10s, and 1s are in the special number.
Write 810 in expanded form. Then complete the number line. Tell which P.V. blocks show 810. Determine if 810 is even or odd.
Determine whether the number 780 is odd or even. Choose the set of blocks that represent 780. How much is 10 more and 10 less than 780?
Make a pair of funky glasses for celebrating the 100 days of school.