2nd Grade Common Core: 2.MD.8
Common Core Identifier: 2.MD.8 / Grade: 2
Curriculum: Measurement And Data: Work With Time And Money.
Detail: Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and c symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
120 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Kids read the word problems and determine how much each person has.
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A different version of the Money Words game that can be played alone or with a friend.
Mixed Math: C2 FREE
This mixed review worksheet includes addition and subtraction problems, as well as a coin-counting activity.
Play this fun "coin counting" card game with your class. Start a chain reaction as kids count the coins in the pictures and read the money amounts on their cards.
Match the money amount to the coin cards in this memory game. Easy level.
Write how much money is left after a purchase. Write the time from a clock. Choose geometric shapes.
Match the money amount to the coin cards in this memory game. Hard level.
Mixed Math: C1 FREE
The mixed review problems on this page include adding, subtracting, counting money
Many students have trouble writing money correctly. Students must correctly write each money amount as dollars and cents and in word name form.
Count the groups of money and write down the amounts. Compare each set using <, >, and = in the center box.
This printable file has 36 cards to cut apart and use to play and review money amounts up to $50.00. Eighteen of them have illustrations of different amounts of coins and bills and the other eighteen have money amounts on them. Match the correct illustration to the money amount.
There are many ways to use these printable puzzle pieces. Students will match each set of coins with the correct money amounts.
Write the money amounts using different combinations of coins.
Money Totals FREE
Students will figure out how much money each group of bills and coins is worth.
In week 4 of Math Buzz, students will practice measurement, naming 3D solid shapes, place value, dividing shapes into equal parts, and making a bar graph.
Cut out the cards. Match coin pictures with names and values. Place real coins by each set.
Try this next set of Daily Word Problems and have students practice repeated addition, multiplication, elapsed time, and more!
Print the cards on card stock paper and cut apart the cards on dotted lines. Lay the cards on the table mixed up and make sets of the cards with the picture of the money matched up to the money amount.
For each group of bills and coins, find the total amount and write it on the lines. Then find the total of all six money amounts together for a challenge question.
Circle the hand with the correct amount of money. Write the money amounts shown.
Determine the amount of money shown. The use a different coin combination to show the same amount.
To count the amount of money each group of nickels are worth, students will count by 5s.
Students use a running total to count a mixture of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
Read the snack shack menu and determine which coins can buy the food items shown.
Practice reading line plots, comparing numbers, comparing money amounts, number bonds, basic multiplication word problems, and rounding.
Use knowledge of coin identification and values to answer the questions on these 24 task cards. Use for classroom learning centers, peer review, class scavenger hunts, document cameras, or exit slips.
Practice concepts such as reading a table, adding and subtracting, and operations with money.
Money Matching Game FREE
Print out the cards on card stock paper and cut them apart on the dotted lines. Mix them up and students will match together the cards with the coins and bills to the cards with the correct money amount.
This printable money worksheet has 6 groups of money to be counted and at there is a challenge question asking how much is the total of all 6 amounts.
Find the total for each of the money amounts. Then compare each set of money to see if they are >, <, or = to each other.
Children must solve the word problems to make change for a dollar. An answer key is included with this basic making change worksheet.
Your class can play this fun money-counting game to practice counting coins and bills up to $4.00. Each student will read the money amount on their card aloud and ask for who has the next number.
Another worksheet for comparing money amounts. (example: $5.61 < $5.73)
Use bar models to help solve addition and subtraction problems, differentiating between even and odd numbers, add using the standard algorithm, count money, and arranging objects in order of length.
Write the name of each coin. (There's a word bank at the top to help with spelling.) Also write the value of each coin.
Find the total of the coins and bills in each of the six boxes and as a challenge, write the total of all six amounts added together.
Find the money total for each of these money sets and compare each group to each other to see if they are <, >, or = to each other.
Students examine the task cards an determine the value of the coins shown. These can be used for classroom games, learning centers, or small group activities.
Use subtraction to make change. THis page includes 3 vertical problems and 3 word problems. All problems require pupils to subtract across zero.
Convert the symbols to money amounts and add to find the totals.
Count the sets of quarters and write the amount in dollars and cents. Up to $3.20
Cut out the values and coins. Use a glue stick to attach each next to the name of the coin.
This short poem has an important message about friendship. The worksheet has several questions, including a math problem.
This file contains 5 worksheets, with one word problem on each page. There are 3 multi-step problems and 2 one-step problems.
(Click the 'Alt' button below if you prefer color poster versions of these problems.)
(Click the 'Alt' button below if you prefer color poster versions of these problems.)
Place real coins over the values on the piggy bank. (example: Place a quarter over 25¢.)
These daily word problems cover topics like reading and interpreting a graph, operations with money, and more. Once students have successfully wrapped up this set, they may be ready to move on to the next level!
Print out these pages and cut out the puzzle pieces along the dotted lines. Place the puzzle pieces on the table or floor and have small groups match up each money set with the correct answer.
Count the coins and bills for each of these twelve sets and find the total of the money.
This file contains the first 5 days of daily math review for 3rd graders. (This file covers skills from the end of 2nd grade.) Skills include: 2-digit and 3-digit addition and subtraction, counting money, reading analog clocks, measurement with nonstandard units, polygons, and word problems.
In this printable money worksheet, kids will solve the word problems to make change for a dollar. An answer key is included with this basic money skills worksheet.
Your class can have fun practicing their skills with counting bills and coins up to $12 with this I Have / Who Has card game.
Look at each group of quarters and count by 25s to determine the money amount.
Compare money amounts using words and symbols. Also includes a set of word problems. (example: $3.63 < $3.75)
This week student will: identify basic shapes, add and subtract triple-digit numbers, count money, compare numbers, and use arrays to solve repeated addition problems.
Write the name of the penny, nickel, and dime. Then tell how many cents each one is worth. (Includes pennies, nickels, and dimes only. No quarters.)
This printable money-counting worksheet has twelve sets of coins and bills to be totaled.
This game begins when all of the cards are passed out to the students. Whomever has the first card will read out, "I have the first card, who has $31.19?" The next player will answer, "I have $31.19. Who has $13.35?" And the game continues on to the last card.
This set has cards with pictures of coins & bills, their money amount, and their written names. Use these cards to play a matching game.
At the top of this worksheet is a picture of garage sale items with price tags. Below are four making change word problems.
Count the groups of coins and write the amount. Then, compare using the symbols: <, >, and =.
Convert the symbols to coins and add to find the total amount of money.
Number patterns, solve word problem with subtraction. Fractions using tiles.
Cut out the pictures and values for the pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars, and Sacagawea dollar coins. Glue each item next to the coin name.
With this week's worksheets, students will practice both single- and multistep operations, elapsed time, and more.
This money counting worksheets has numbers for how many of each coin and bill listed and students have to find the total amount.
Print out this file and cut apart the puzzle pieces along the dotted lines. Mix up the pieces and have students match the money illustrations to the correct money amount.
Subtract what each person buys from the amount they give the cashier. Requires subtraction across zero.
Count the coins to determine the amount shown. Then draw the same amount using a different coin combination.
Students will figure out how much money each group of pennies is worth.
On these worksheets, students will practice and review naming fraction parts, counting place value blocks, bar model addition and subtraction, expanded form, and measuring centimeters.
Cut out the money cards. Match coin pictures with names and values (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters). Then place real coins next to each set.
Give your students more practice with important elementary math topics such as elapsed time, operations with money, and more.
Use scissors to cut apart the puzzle pieces and mix them up. Match the illustrated money piece to the correct money total.
This printable worksheet has twelve sets of money amounts to be counted and totaled.
Count each of the six sets of coins and tell how much money is shown. Does not include quarters.
Draw different coin combinations to show each money amount two ways.
Count the sets of quarters and write the amount of dollars and cents. Up to $1.00
Cut out the coins and values. Paste each next to the name of the coin.
Match real coins to the values shown on the worksheet. Place real pennies, nickels, and dimes on mat, in the correct positions.
There are five word problems on this worksheet that need to be solved. Write out the money amounts in the space provided to help find the answers.
This printable file contains 30 task cards. Each card has a set of bills and coins for students to find the total for. Students can mark the amounts on the answer page.
Cut apart the puzzle pieces. Students match the coins with the correct money amounts.
Solve these graphical word problems by calculating the amount of change customers at a garage sale will receive.
Count coins to buy items from the fruit stand. Use the fewest number of coins possible.
This worksheet features problems that require column addition, understanding of elapsed time, and knowledge of odd/even numbers.
This file has 30 task cards with pictures of coins. Add up the values of the coins to find the totals.
Students look carefully at the picture. They count and tell how many pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters they see.
Students will use math to solve realistic situations described to them. Worksheets include both single- and multistep problems.
Print and cut apart the 30 cards on this printable and they can be used in many ways including: as a learning center, group games, morning challenges, and as review.
Write the running total of money for each bill and coin to find the final money amount.
Subtract money amounts to find change. (example: $5.00 - 4.79)
Count the money amount shown in each shape. Color the shapes with 5 cents red, 10 cents blue, and 15 cents green. Does not include quarters.
Within this set you'll find a variety of word problems, determining odd from even, telling time questions, geometry problems, and equal parts questions.
Identify the coins and answer the questions on these task cards. 24 cards in all. Use for exit slips, classroom scavenger hunts, review games, and more.
Practice key math concepts like addition and subtraction, reading a table, elapsed time, and more with this next series of Daily Word Problems.
This worksheet has 4 sets of money to be counted. Write a running total above each bill and coin to find the final amount.
This worksheet has five counting money word problems and students can draw a picture to show their work.
Two players will race to Money Island in this counting coins math challenge! Using mixed coins, students will compete to see who can make each monetary amount first. This is a fun game for practicing basic money skills.
Players roll a die and collect coins. The first player to collect a dollar's worth of coins is the winner.
Count the coins and bills (ones and fives) up to twelve dollars.
Mixed Math: B1 FREE
Tell how much money is shown. Write the numbers in standard form. Solve the addition and subtraction word problems.
In Math Buzz Week 9, your students will practice addition using the standard algorithm, identify numbers shown by place value blocks, count coins, and find missing shapes in patterns.
Write the name of each coin. Use the word bank to help. Then write the value of each coin.
This file has pictures of American coins that you can use for coin recognition review or counting money activities. Includes pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 bills.
Count the coins and bills shown and write a running total above the money. Then write the final total on the line.
On this worksheet, there are five word problems that can be solved by adding the money amounts listed in each problem to find the total. At the end, decide which person has the least amount of money and write their name on the line.
Skills for this week include reading analog clocks, word problems, writing numbers in expanded form, reading a pictograph, measurement, dividing shapes into equal parts, and counting money.
Use the "counting on" method to make change for amounts up to one dollar. This graphical worksheets walks students through the process of making change step-by-step.
This printable activity has 30 task cards with coins and bills on it, all with different amounts up to $4.00. There are several ways for your students to use them including: scavenger hunts, learning centers, and more.