Super Teacher Worksheets

1st Grade Common Core: 1.OA.1a

Common Core Identifier: 1.OA.1a / Grade: 1
Curriculum: Operations And Algebraic Thinking: Represent And Solve Problems Involving Addition And Subtraction.
Detail: Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
23 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Use non-standard units to compare lengths of a guitar and a drum. Use place value blocks to solve subtraction and addition problems. Answer questions about a bar graph. Draw hands on a clock.
Common Core
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Solve five more simple addition and subtraction problems with simple, easy-to-read vocabulary.
Practice addition problems with missing addends, comparing sizes (shorter, longer), drawing lines to divide a shape into quarters, add and subtract double-digit numbers, and make a pictograph based on data in a tally table.
On these worksheets, students will answer more simple word problems. These include bats, jelly jars, camping, foxes, and calendars.
In the 7th week of daily word problems, your pupils can answer addition and subtraction word problems about cupcakes, cookies, toys, and rocks.
These daily word problems require simple addition and subtraction skills.
Draw hands on a clock. Find related math facts. Add using place value blocks. Solve addition/subtraction word problems. Find the sum of three single-digit addends.
This file has 5 word problems, one for each day of the week. All problems require basic addition and subtraction and feature very simple vocabulary. If you prefer a full-color poster version of the problems, please click the "Alt" button below.
Add and subtract to find the answers to math questions about hot dogs, triangles, toy cars, books, and toy tops.
Demonstrate knowledge of place value (tens and ones), coin identification (penny), comparing measurements in non-standard units, identifying halves, and solving word problems.
Here are five more addition/subtraction word problems for 1st graders. Themes include horses, sandcastles, pie, pirates, and kittens.
This file contains a dozen word problems. Each one requires children to add or subtract.
Use addition and subtraction to find the answers to the next 5 daily word problems. One of the problems requires two steps.
Add and using place value blocks. Solve addition and subtraction word problems. Draw hands on an analog clock (nearest hour). Identify flat faces of a cylinder.
This file contains the next 5 word problems in the first grade set. All word problems have easy-to-read words, and require only basic addition and subtraction skills.
Count by 10s. Then solve four basic addition and subtraction word problems.
Find 10 more and 10 less than a given number. Solve a column addition problem (2-digit plus 1-digit). Identify flat surfaces of a cone. Measure a pencil and crayon with non-standard units.
Skills in this set include ordering numbers, operations, and very basic repeated addition.
Review fact families, telling time on analog clocks, 3D shapes, and US coin identification.
These illustrated math stories require students to find simple sums and differences.
This set of Math Buzz worksheets has more place value questions, coin identification (dime and quarter), some 10 more/10 less problems, and simple addition with three addends.
Color the date on a calendar. Measure a marker with non-standard units. Compare two digit numbers using <, >, and =. Solve basic addition and subtraction word problems.
Here are five more first grade-level word problems for your students to solve.
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Common Core Alignment