1st Grade Common Core: 1.NBT.4
Common Core Identifier: 1.NBT.4 / Grade: 1
Curriculum: Number And Operations In Base Ten: Use Place Value Understanding And Properties Of Operations To Add And Subtract.
Detail: Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten.
69 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Use place value blocks and this learning mat to explore 2-digit numbers.
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This worksheet will help students use place value blocks (base 10 blocks) to practice subtraction with borrowing.
This worksheet helps students use place value blocks (base 10 locks) to learn addition.
Color in every fifth number of this hundreds chart. Do you see a pattern?
Can you count by 3s? Complete the tables by writing the missing numbers. This printable features three horse illustrations.
After you practice skip counting by sevens, answer the math questions and word problems.
Count by 3s on these number lines. The number line begins at 0 and ends at 33.
The penguins on the ice floes are counting by twos. Can you fill in the missing ones?
The penguin groups have multiples of four on their bellies. Skip count by 4s to complete the numbers.
This page contains a series of word problem questions about skip counting by 5s.
Count by twos. Color every second number on the hundreds chart.
Up and and away! Multiples of four are listed on these balloons. Keep counting by 4s (up to 96) to continue the pattern.
Helium balloons with numbers on them adorn this page. Fill in the missing numbers when you count by 3s up to 72.
Skip count by six, then answer each of the word problems and math questions.
Skiing - Count by 4s FREE
Kids can count by 4s by writing numbers in the empty squares. The free printable page features skiing graphics.
First, skip count by 8s. Then answer the related math questions.
Count by threes on the hundreds chart. Color every third number.
The penguin bellies have numbers on them. Skip count by 3s to fill in the missing numbers on this free worksheet.
Practice skip counting by sixes with this printable activity.
Students answer a series of questions about skip counting by 4s.
The numbers on the rows of balloons count by two. Complete the pattern.
Skip count by 7s to fill in the missing numbers on the caterpillar.
Challenge your students to count by 5s with this printable skip counting worksheet.
This PDF contains 8 horizontal problems and 2 math stories (word problems).
This file has 30 task cards. Each one has a 2-digit addition problem on it. These can be used for classroom games or learning centers.
Children will fill out the caterpillar as they skip count by 10s.
Fill in the numbers in the circles as you skip count by 8s.
Use mental math to find the differences. All problems are horizontal on this worksheet. Also includes two word problems at the end.
Skip count by 25s to fill in the missing sections on the caterpillar.
Help the mouse find the cheese by counting by 11s. Write in the missing numbers in the circles on this printable skip-counting worksheet.
Compare addition problems with multiples of 10.
example: 34 + 30 < 43 + 20
example: 34 + 30 < 43 + 20
Skip count by 2s, starting at 2 and ending at 20. Write the missing letters in the circles to help the mouse reach the cheese.
Fill in the grid, counting by 2s. Answer the questions on the bottom of the page to practice skip counting by 2s.
Complete the missing sections of the caterpillar as you skip count by 11s.
Print out this worksheet so your students can practice skip counting by 9s.
This is a basic drill worksheet with 26 horizontal and vertical problems on it, including two "challenges" at the end.
This cute rocket will travel through space to get to the star by counting by 25s. (25 - 250)
Use mental math to add 10 to each 2-digit number shown. Then compare the sums using the symbols <, >, and =.
example: 22 + 10 < 10 + 28
example: 22 + 10 < 10 + 28
Skip count by 5s in order to complete each section of the caterpillar.
Following the circles, count by 3s and write the missing numbers in along the way.
This file has 30 illustrated task cards. Students use the pictures of place value blocks and hundreds charts to add multiples of 10.
(example: 49+30)
(example: 49+30)
Fill out all the sections of the caterpillar as you skip count by 8s.
6, 12, 18, ...What's next? Count by 6s on this printable worksheet.
Add multiples of 10 to 2-digit numbers. There are 18 horizontal and 8 vertical problems.
(example: 54+30=84)
(example: 54+30=84)
Count by 2s and connect the dots to create a picture of a jumping dolphin.
Fill in each section of the caterpillar by skip counting by 3s.
This printable worksheet allows students to practice skip counting by 12s. The numbers start at 12 and go up to 144.
Help the mouse find the cheese. Count by 100s and write the missing numbers in the circles. Numbers range from 100 - 1000 on this free activity.
Add pairs of 2-digit numbers and write the sums. There are 2 word problems at the end, as well as a leprechaun illustration.
Mixed Math: B2 FREE
What number is shown by the place value blocks? Subtract to find out how many boys are in Miss Minn's class. Write the time shown on the clock.
Skip count by 6s to fill in the missing numbers on the caterpillar.
This rocket needs to reach the star. To get there, count by 4s. The first circle starts at number 4 and ends with 40.
Use the partial hundreds chart to practice adding 2-digit numbers to multiples of 10.
(Example: 34+20=54)
(Example: 34+20=54)
Students will fill out all the sections of the caterpillar as they skip count by 9s.
Help the rocket get to the star by counting by 7s. Write the missing numbers in the circles.
Use a partial hundreds charts to subtract multiples of 10 from double-digit numbers.
(examples: 56-30=26 and 98-20=78)
(examples: 56-30=26 and 98-20=78)
Skip count by 12s and fill out the missing sections of the caterpillar.
Skip count by 10s starting at 10 and ending at 100 on this worksheet.
On each of these 30 task cards, students will use graphical models or partial hundred tables to help them find the answers.
(examples: 46-20=26 and 73-30=43)
(examples: 46-20=26 and 73-30=43)
Use this free number line worksheet to count by 2s. Complete the activity by filling in the boxes. This number line ranges from 0 to 32.