1st Grade Common Core: 1.NBT.3
Common Core Identifier: 1.NBT.3 / Grade: 1
Curriculum: Number And Operations In Base Ten: Understand Place Value.
Detail: Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <.
22 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Use symbols and words to compare two-digit numbers. (example: 23 < 32)
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Cut and glue Greater Than Alligator or Less Than Alligator in the correct boxes. Then, write out the answer with words. All problems have 2-digit numbers.
Help keep your students' math skills fresh with this next set of first-grade Daily Word Problems.
This week, students will practice reading tally marks on a chart, adding, subtracting, and counting.
Compare addition problems with multiples of 10.
example: 34 + 30 < 43 + 20
example: 34 + 30 < 43 + 20
There are four two-digit numbers in each box. Rewrite the numbers in order, starting with the smallest.
Practice basic subtraction, skip counting, comparing numbers, and more with these word problems.
Printable, colorful alligator posters for teaching kids about greater than and less than. Hang them on your classroom wall for reference, or attach magnets to the back and use them on your chalkboard when teaching students about greater than and less than.
Finish this series strong with a picture graph, time calculations, and other interesting daily word problems. If you've been doing this set in order, your students may be ready to move on to our second grade series!
Practice elementary math concepts such as skip counting, simple addition, place value with tens and ones, and more.
Use mental math to add 10 to each 2-digit number shown. Then compare the sums using the symbols <, >, and =.
example: 22 + 10 < 10 + 28
example: 22 + 10 < 10 + 28
This PDF has 30 task cards. For each one, students will answer a question about comparing 2-digit numbers. These can be used as a game, for extra practice, or on your interactive whiteboard document reader.
This week your students will solve the word problems using skills such as counting, adding, and subtracting.
This week your students will read and interpret a bar graph, draw time on a clock, practice their addition and subtraction skills, and more!
Students will use foundational math skills to find the answers to these five daily word problems.
This week students will use logic and reasoning skills, as well as other important math skills to solve these realistic word problems.
If you've been doing one of these worksheets a day, you've made it past the 100th day of school! You might notice some of the problems are getting a bit trickier as you go on. This week we'll show time on a clock, read tally marks on a chart, count by tens, and more.
Review basic addition and subtraction facts. Practice breaking a 2-digit number up into tens and ones. Compare numbers, using the phrases less than and greater than. Answer a question using a pictograph.
There are countless ways to use these math cards. As a learning center, in your whole group lessons, as a math game, or for small group instruction.
Cut out the number cards and place them in order from least to greatest. This activity can be used as a learning center, for small groups, or as a whole-class activity. This file includes 5 different card sets.
Place the numbers in order, starting with the smallest.
Each dancing pig has a 2-digit number on it. Order the pigs from least to greatest.