1st Grade Common Core: 1.MD.4
Common Core Identifier: 1.MD.4 / Grade: 1
Curriculum: Measurement And Data: Represent And Interpret Data.
Detail: Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.
32 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Don owns a hot dog stand. His customers love his hot dogs. The tally chart shows how many hot dogs were sold each day. Use the data in the tally chart to answer the questions.
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Christina surveys her classmates to find out what their favorite subjects are. She records the results on a tally chart. Answer the questions, then make a bar graph of her results.
A hot dog vendor keeps track of his sales on a tally chart. Use the data in the tally chart to answer the questions.
This week you students will decompose 2-digit numbers into 1s and 10s, draw a model to solve an addition problem, determine the number of straight sides on polygons, and continue shapes in a pattern.
Practice elementary math concepts such as skip counting, simple addition, place value with tens and ones, and more.
On these Math Buzz worksheets, your first graders will measure a whale using non-standard units, identify solids (cones, cylinders, cubes), subtract, and identify shapes that have equal parts.
Get some more daily practice with key math skills such as telling time, reading and making a tally chart, addition, and more.
Use realistic scenarios described in these word problems to help students practice crucial elementary math skills.
Count by twos starting with 2 (2, 12, 22, 32, 42...), practice repeated addition, as well as basic addition and subtraction.
This week students will use logic and reasoning skills, as well as other important math skills to solve these realistic word problems.
With this week's word problems, students will add 3 or more numbers, show time on an analog clock, subtract, and more.
Count the ladybugs, bees, ants, and butterflies. Cross off each insect after it is counted. Write tally marks on the table.
Fill in a tally chart, count by tens, draw lines to divide a shape into equal parts, and practice more important math skills with this week's daily word problems.
Find the missing numbers (by adding and subtracting one). Determine which 3D shaped have curved surfaces. Answer questions about a pictograph. Tell how many equal parts are shown on circles. Measure a shoe using non-standard units.
Finish this series strong with a picture graph, time calculations, and other interesting daily word problems. If you've been doing this set in order, your students may be ready to move on to our second grade series!
Draw a model to solve an addition problem. Answer a question with tally marks. Show "one less" than the given numbers. Solve basic subtraction problems.
If you've been doing one of these worksheets a day, you've made it past the 100th day of school! You might notice some of the problems are getting a bit trickier as you go on. This week we'll show time on a clock, read tally marks on a chart, count by tens, and more.
Identify solid shapes (spheres, cubes, rectangular prisms). Answer questions from a pictograph. Complete a bar model. Fill in the missing parts on a tally chart.
In this week's worksheet set, students will practice counting by 10s (6, 16, 26, 36...), find "one more" and "one less" than a given number, write the times shown on the analog clocks (11:00 and 1:00), and illustrate a math fact family.
Count the fruits in the picture. Cross off each fruit as you count, and add a tally mark on the table.
This week your students will read and interpret a bar graph, draw time on a clock, practice their addition and subtraction skills, and more!
This week, students will practice reading tally marks on a chart, adding, subtracting, and counting.
In this set, pupils will identify cubes, spheres, and cylinders. They will also complete an addition bar model, use non-standard units to measure a lizard, and compare two digit numbers (using <, >, and =).
Help keep your students' math skills fresh with this next set of first-grade Daily Word Problems.
For the tenth week of M.B., students will order objects by length (shortest to longest), identify solid shapes (cubes, cones, spheres), complete a pictograph, and answer place value questions.
On these worksheets, students will count by tens starting with (8, 18, 28, 38...), complete a part-part-whole diagram, complete a fact family, and use place value blocks to find a number.
This week, students will complete a tally chart, add time and draw it on a clock, add, and subtract.
This is another version of the worksheet above, with different numbers. Tally counts up to 26.
Count the tally marks. Write the value of each set. Includes values up to 25.
Cut out the number tiles at the bottom of the page. Glue the tiles into the boxes with an equal number of tally marks.
Part 1: Count the tally marks and write the values for each set.
Part 2: Draw tally marks to represent each number.
Part 2: Draw tally marks to represent each number.
This is just like the worksheet above, but with different numbers. Includes values up to 25.