Super Teacher Worksheets

1st Grade Common Core: 1.G.3

Common Core Identifier: 1.G.3 / Grade: 1
Curriculum: Geometry: Reason With Shapes And Their Attributes.
Detail: Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters, and use the phrases half of, fourth of, and quarter of. Describe the whole as two of, or four of the shares. Understand for these examples that decomposing into more equal shares creates smaller shares.
14 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Students will divide rectangles into equal parts and color according to the instructions.
Common Core
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Students divide circles into equal parts and then color according to the instructions.
Color or shade half of each set of shapes. Tell how many you colored and write the amount as a fraction.
Cut out each shape. Determine whether each one is partitioned into halves or fourths. Glue the shapes in the correct areas of the t-chart.
In this set, kids will practice skip counting by 100s, solving word problems, dividing shapes in half, reading a line plot, and telling time (half hour increments) on an analog clock.
Write money amounts using the fewest possible coins. Add and subtract using the standard algorithm. Write the values of the underlined digits. Use mental math to subtract 10 and 100. Divide shapes into equal parts.
Part 1: Color the shapes that are divided evenly in half. Part 2: Shade one-half of each shape. Part 3: Draw lines to divide the four shapes in half.
Use mental math to subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number, find the value of coins, read and interpret a tally chart, measure to the nearest inch, and identify shapes that are divided into quarters.
Demonstrate knowledge of place value (tens and ones), coin identification (penny), comparing measurements in non-standard units, identifying halves, and solving word problems.
Part 1: Color the shapes that are divided into quarters. Part 2: Shade one-fourth of each picture. Part 3: Draw straight lines to divide the shape into four equal parts.
On these five Math Buzz worksheets, students will identify attributes of polygons, count coins, skip count by 5s, identify lines of symmetry, tell time to the nearest 5 minutes, and add three addends together.
Cut out the shapes, categorize them on the worksheet, and glue them into the correct columns.
Cut out the shapes. Glue the ones that are divided into halves into the halves column of the t-chart. Glue the others into the column labeled not halves.
Color on the shapes that are divided into equal parts on this printable worksheet.
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Common Core Alignment