1st Grade Common Core: 1.G.1
Common Core Identifier: 1.G.1 / Grade: 1
Curriculum: Geometry: Reason With Shapes And Their Attributes.
Detail: Distinguish between defining attributes (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided) versus non-defining attributes (e.g., color, orientation, overall size); build and draw shapes to possess defining attributes.
26 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Color the octagons. Trace the octagons. Draw some octagons.
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This week you students will decompose 2-digit numbers into 1s and 10s, draw a model to solve an addition problem, determine the number of straight sides on polygons, and continue shapes in a pattern.
On these Math Buzz worksheets, your first graders will measure a whale using non-standard units, identify solids (cones, cylinders, cubes), subtract, and identify shapes that have equal parts.
In this set, pupils will identify cubes, spheres, and cylinders. They will also complete an addition bar model, use non-standard units to measure a lizard, and compare two digit numbers (using <, >, and =).
In this week's worksheet set, students will practice counting by 10s (6, 16, 26, 36...), find "one more" and "one less" than a given number, write the times shown on the analog clocks (11:00 and 1:00), and illustrate a math fact family.
Draw a model to solve an addition problem. Answer a question with tally marks. Show "one less" than the given numbers. Solve basic subtraction problems.
Identify each shape. Includes solid figures (3D shapes) and polygons (flat shapes).
Five questions about solids that require logical thinking skills.
Look around the classroom and try to find a sphere, cube, rectangular prism, and a cylinder.
In this card game, players match up the polygon or solid shapes with their names.
Geometric Solids FREE
Determine whether each object is shaped like a cone, cylinder, rectangular prism, cube, or pyramid.
Trace and color the octagons on the schoolhouse windows and stop sign in this picture.