Carroll Diagrams
This page has printable worksheets with Carroll diagrams for sorting numbers, illustrations, and shapes.

Farm and Zoo Animals FREE
Sort into mammals and birds, as well as zoo animals and farm animals. Items in this set include: chicken, flamingo, cow, duck, pig, penguin, lion, and elephant.
1st and 2nd Grades
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Sort by invertebrates and vertebrates, as well as land animals and sea animals. Animals in this group include: spider, shark, starfish, iguana, elephant, octopus, cricket, and dolphin.
1st through 3rd Grades
Cut out the shape pictures. Sort them into groups of: quadrilaterals and not quadrilaterals. Also, sort them into groups of shapes with right angles and shapes without right angles.
3rd through 5th Grades
On this chart, students sort into groups of: fractions in simplest form and fractions not in simplest form.
3rd through 5th Grades
On this Carroll diagram, students sort numbers by odd and even. The also sort by: multiples of 3, multiples of 5, and multiples of 7.
4th and 5th Grades
This page has Venn diagram templates and Venns for teaching math concepts.
Graphic OrganizersPrint dozens of graphic organizers for reading, writing, and math concepts.
Compare and Contrast WorksheetsThis page has worksheets on comparing and contrasting.
Graphing WorksheetsPrintable bar graphs, line plots, pie charts, bar-and-whisker graphs, and more.