Counting Money (Australian)
These worksheets, games, and activities feature Australian coins. Students count the coins to determine the amounts.
All coins pictured are in Australian currency. We also have US Currency and Canadian Money worksheets.

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On this PDF you'll find thirty task cards with Australian coins on them. Each card has only 1, 2, or 3 coins. Students must determine the value of the coins on the cards.
Here are thirty task cards with coins on them. Students can calculate the value of the amounts shown. Use these for classroom scavenger hunts, math games, or small group instruction.
This file has large, printable pictures of coins from Australia. Includes a five-cent coin, ten-cent coin, twenty-cent coin, fifty-cent coin, dollar coin, and two-dollar coin.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
This page features maps and worksheets for Australia and New Zealand.
Counting Money (USA)Count American coins and bills with these printable activities.
Counting Money (Canadian)These worksheets have Canadian coins and banknotes.