Super Teacher Worksheets

Areas of Irregular Shapes (Rectilinear & Composite Figures)

Download and print these worksheets to help students learn to find areas of rectilinear figures (irregular shapes made up of 2 or more rectangles) and composite shapes.

Areas of Irregular Shapes Worksheets


Find the area of the irregular shapes (rectilinear figures) by finding the areas of the individual rectangles and adding them together.
3rd through 5th Grades
Area of an Irregular Shape (Basic) Free Worksheet
Common Core
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First, multiply to find the areas of the individual rectangles. Then, add them together to find the area of the irregular shape (rectilinear figure).
3rd through 5th Grades
Areas of Irregular Shapes (Basic)  Worksheet
Use these printable task cards to find the areas of irregular shapes (rectilinear figures). Find the area of each smaller shape by multiplying whole numbers and then add those together.
3rd through 5th Grades
Task Cards: Area of an Irregular Shape (Basic) Worksheet


Multiply decimals to find the areas of each rectangle that makes up the irregular shape (rectilinear figure). Then add those together to find the total area.
3rd through 5th Grades
Area of an Irregular Shape (Advanced) Worksheet
Find the area of the irregular shape (rectilinear figure) by finding the areas of each rectangle within the shape and then adding those together.
3rd through 5th Grades
Areas of Irregular Shapes (Advanced)  Worksheet
Plot, label, and connect each given point on the coordinate grid to make a composite polygon. Then use the grid and your geometry skills to find the area of each figure.
6th Grade
Coordinate Grid Area: Composite Polygons Geometry Worksheet
Find the area of these irregular shapes (rectilinear figures) by multiplying decimals to the tenths and hundredths place. This is a class set of 30 task cards.
3rd through 5th Grades
Task Cards: Area of an Irregular Shape (Advanced) Worksheet
See also:
More Area Worksheets

This page has links to worksheets on areas of rectangles, triangles, trapezoids, circles, and more.

Areas of Rectangles and Squares

Have your students practice finding the areas of squares and rectangles with these printables.

Sample Worksheet Images

Area of Irregular Shapes Worksheets

Area of Irregular Shapes Task Cards

Area of Irregular Shapes Worksheets

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Common Core Alignment