Area of Trapezoids
This page has a collection of printable worksheets for teaching students to calculate the areas of trapezoids.

Use the formula to calculate the areas of the trapezoids shown. This basic version contains small, whole number measurements.
5th through 7th Grades
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Use the formula shown at the top to calculate the areas of the 9 trapezoids pictured.
5th through 7th Grades
Download a deck of 30 "area of a trapezoid" cards. Use them for peer study groups, classroom scavenger hunts, or small group instruction.
6th through 8th Grades
These area of trapezoids problems require students to think carefully and use reasoning.
5th through 7th Grades
Use the formula to calculate the area of the three trapezoids shown. In the intermediate-level worksheets, the measurements are all double-digit whole numbers.
5th through 7th Grades
This worksheets has 9 trapezoid models. Students can practice finding the area of each one.
5th through 7th Grades
These trapezoids have 2-digit measurements for each side. Find both the area and perimeter of each.
5th through 7th Grades
Print these task cards to use for classroom scavenger hunts, peer groups, small group instruction, or other activities.
5th through 7th Grades
Students will take their thinking to the next level with these challenging area of trapezoids questions.
5th through 7th Grades
Find the areas of five different trapezoids. This advanced-level worksheet includes 3-digit numbers and decimals.
6th through 8th Grades
This page has nine trapezoid illustrations. Can your pupils find the area of each?
5th through 7th Grades
First calculate the perimeter of each trapezoids by adding the lengths of the sides. Then find the area by multiplying the length of the base times the height.
5th through 7th Grades
You can use these advanced task cards for classroom scavenger hunts, peer groups, small group instruction, or other activities.
5th through 7th Grades
These advanced area exercises challenge students to think deeply and practice their math skills.
6th through 8th Grades
Find the areas of all types of shapes, including circles, rectangles, and triangles. There's a section for surface area worksheets too.
Geometry WorksheetsLink to printables on symmetry, tessellations, translation/rotation/reflection, polygons, plotting points, and more.