Super Teacher Worksheets

Complementary, Supplementary, & Vertical Angles

The geometry worksheets on this page can be used to introduce and review the concepts of complementary, supplementary angles, and vertical angles.

Most worksheets on this page align with Common Core Standard 7.G.B.5.

Complementary, Supplementary, and Vertical Angles Worksheets

Complementary & Supplementary Angles

Students find complements and supplements. Then they circle a pair of angles that are supplements. Then they determine whether each pair of angles is complementary, supplementary, or neither.
6th through 8th Grades
Complementary and Supplementary Angles Free Worksheet
Find the complements and supplements of the angles shown on the cards. This file includes 30 cards that can be used for learning centers, peer help sessions, or on your document camera.
6th through 8th Grades
Task Cards: Complementary & Supplementary Angles Worksheet

Complementary Angles

Pairs of complementary angles are shown. The measurement of one is given. Students must calculate the measurement of the other.
6th through 8th Grades
Find Complementary Angles Worksheet
This worksheet serves as a basic introduction to complementary angles. At the top, the concept is described. At the bottom, students are instructed to find the complement to each angle shown.
6th through 8th Grades
Complementary Angles Worksheet
Cut out the angle tiles at the bottom of the page. Glue each angle next to it next to its complement.
6th through 8th Grades
Complementary Angles: Cut-and-Glue Worksheet

Supplementary Angles

On each problem, students are shown two angles. The measurement of one angle is known. The other is the supplement, which must be calculated.
6th through 8th Grades
Find Supplementary Angles Worksheet
This is a very basic introduction to supplementary angles. At the top of the page is an explanation box. Then students are shown nine angles. They need to find the supplement for each.
6th through 8th Grades
Supplementary Angles Worksheet
Cut out the angle picture squares at the bottom of the worksheet. Then glue each one next to its supplement.
6th through 8th Grades
Supplementary Angles: Cut-and-Glue Worksheet

Adding Adjacent
Angles Together

This page has illustrations of 2 adjacent angles. Students must recognize the combined angle as additive. There's also an angle word problem that requires students to divide.
4th and 5th Grades
Adding Adjacent Angles Worksheet

Complementary, Supplementary, & Vertical Angles

Identify complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles. Calculate the number of degrees in each unknown angle.
6th through 8th Grades
Complementary, Supplementary, & Vertical Angles Worksheet
This page has information about complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles, with examples. At the bottom, students identify the angle type and calculate the unknown measurements.
6th through 8th Grades
Introduction to Complementary, Supplementary, & Vertical Angles Worksheet
Circle the correct type of angle and find the unknown measurement. There are 12 problems on this worksheet.
6th through 8th Grades
Identify Complementary, Supplementary, & Vertical Angles Worksheet
See also:
Measuring Angles

Here you'll find a collection of printables for teaching students how to measure angles with a protractor.

Area of Triangles

This page has many worksheets on calculating the areas of triangles.

Surface Area

Here you'll find a selection of worksheets for teaching surface area.

Geometry Worksheet Index

Here's our geometry index page that will link you to all geometry topics on our site.

Sample Worksheet Images

Complementary Angles Worksheet

Complementary Supplementary Angles Worksheet

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