Super Teacher Worksheets

Anchor Charts

STW has a large selection of anchor charts covering a wide variety of topics.

Printable Anchor Charts

Math Anchor Charts

Use to this anchor chart to review or teach divisibility rules to your students. There are two pages: one with just the rules for each of the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10; and one with both the rules and an example.
4th and 5th Grades
Divisibility Rules Worksheet
Common Core
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Show students three ways to find elapsed time in half-hour increments with this printable anchor chart.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Elapsed Time (Beginner)  Free Worksheet
Teach three ways of finding elapsed time with this handy anchor chart. The example shown uses 5-minute increments.
2nd through 4th Grades
Elapsed Time (Intermediate)  Worksheet
This anchor chart shows how to find elapsed time with 1-minute increments using 3 methods: a t-chart, number line, and clocks.
3rd through 5th Grades
Elapsed Time (Advanced)  Worksheet
This illustrated anchor chart can serve as a tool for students who are learning to convert between fractions, decimals, and percentages.
4th through 6th Grades
Fractions, Decimals, & Percentages Free Worksheet
Use this anchor chart to compare and order equivalent fractions using colorful strips.
2nd through 4th Grades
Fraction Strips Fractions Worksheet
This fun robot anchor chart acts as a reference on how many cups, pints, and quarts fit into a gallon.
2nd through 4th Grades
Measurement: Capacity (Gallon Bot) Worksheet
This anchor chart shows standard, written, and expanded form for a 2-digit number.
1st and 2nd Grades
Place Value: 2-Digit Worksheet
Print out this anchor chart as an example of showing place value for three-digit numbers.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Place Value: 3-Digit Worksheet
Use this anchor chart to show an example of place value for a number that goes up to the thousands place.
2nd through 4th Grades
Place Value: 4-Digit Worksheet
This anchor chart shows the standard, written, and expanded forms of a number that goes up to the ten thousands place.
3rd through 5th Grades
Place Value: 5-Digit Worksheet
This anchor chart provides an example of how to write place value for numbers up to the hundred thousands place.
3rd through 5th Grades
Place Value: 6-Digit Worksheet
Use this anchor chart for an example of place value to the millions place.
3rd through 5th Grades
Place Value: 7-Digit Worksheet
This printable anchor chart shows the standard, written, and expanded form, as well as the expanded notation, of a 10-digit number.
4th and 5th Grades
Place Value: 10-Digit Worksheet
This anchor chart shows decimal place value for numbers with digits in the tenths place.
5th and 6th Grades
Place Value: Decimals (Tenths) Worksheet
This anchor chart shows the expanded, written, and standard forms, plus the expanded notation, for a number with digits in the hundredths place.
5th and 6th Grades
Place Value: Decimals (Hundredths) Worksheet
Print this anchor chart for an example of the expanded, written, and standard forms, as well as the expanded notation, of a number with digits in the thousandths place.
5th and 6th Grades
Place Value: Decimals (Thousandths) Worksheet
Use this anchor chart to help explain place value for money amounts.
2nd through 4th Grades
Place Value: Money Worksheet
This anchor chart covers the basics of how to calculate slope.
8th Grade
Slope Worksheet
Print out this anchor chart to show students how they can find the number of edges on a 3D shape.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Solid Shapes: Edges Geometry Worksheet
Help students learn about the faces of 3D shapes with this informative anchor chart.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Solid Shapes: Faces Geometry Worksheet
Use this anchor chart to teach students what vertices are and tips to find the number of them on certain solid shapes.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Solid Shapes: Vertices Geometry Worksheet

Alphabet Anchor Charts

This printable anchor chart shows uppercase and lowercase letters for all 26 letters of the alphabet, along with a colorful picture of something that starts with each letter.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Alphabet (Full Color) Worksheet
This anchor chart has capital and lowercase letters for each of the 26 letters of the alphabet. There are also black-and-white images representing each letter.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Alphabet (Black and White) Worksheet

Phonics Blends and Digraphs

This anchor chart includes common words with the bl- blend such as block, black, blinds, bloom, blanket, blueberry, blender, and blow.
1st and 2nd Grades
Bl- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Print off this anchor chart to show students common br- words. This anchor chart includes words like bread, brick, broom, broken, brain, branch, brush, and braid.
1st and 2nd Grades
Br- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
This anchor chart includes illustrations and spellings of eight ch- words: chicken, beach, chimp, chocolate, cheese, chair, wrench, and lunch.
1st and 2nd Grades
Ch- Words Phonics Digraphs Worksheet
Get a hang of the ck- digraph with this anchor chart. It includes the words duck, truck, rock, puck, sick, track, sack, and sock.
1st and 2nd Grades
Ck- Words Phonics Digraphs Worksheet
This anchor chart covers words with the cl- consonant blend. It includes the words clown, clothes, clap, clock, clam, clover, climb, and clean.
1st and 2nd Grades
Cl- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Print this anchor chart to help your students practice words with the cr- blend. Words include: crab, crane, cry, crack, creek, crash, crown, and crib.
1st and 2nd Grades
Cr- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
This anchor chart for the dr- consonant blend includes the words dream, drive, dress, drum, drink, dragon, dresser, and drill.
1st and 2nd Grades
Dr- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
The words on this phonics anchor chart all have the fl- blend. They are: flag, floor, flower, flamingo, fly, floss, flute, and flame.
1st and 2nd Grades
Fl- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Review fr- blends with this anchor chart. The words shown are frame, frog, fraction, fridge, friends, frisbee, fruit, and fries.
1st and 2nd Grades
Fr- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Print out this anchor chart with pictures and spellings of eight gl- words. The words include: glasses, glove, glow, glass, glue, gladiator, glad, and globe.
1st and 2nd Grades
Gl- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Print off this anchor chart to show your students pictures and spellings of eight gr- words. The words are: groundhog, grasshopper, gravy, grin, grill, grass, groceries, and grapes.
1st and 2nd Grades
Gr- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Use this anchor chart to show students several examples of pl- words. The words shown are: pliers, plus, plug, plum, plane, plate, pledge, and plant.
1st and 2nd Grades
Pl- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Hang this anchor chart in your classroom to help students remember the pr- blend. Words include: pretzel, prize, princess, printer, propeller, present, press, and price.
1st and 2nd Grades
Pr- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Review the sc- words scarf, scoop, score, scale, scooter, scarecrow, scout, and scare with this anchor chart.
1st and 2nd Grades
Sc- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Review the phonics scr- blend with this anchor chart. It includes the words screen, scrub, scream, scraps, scroll, scratch, screw, and scribble.
1st and 2nd Grades
Scr- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Use this anchor chart to review or teach words with the sh- digraph. Illustrations and spelled-out words are included for ship, crash, shovel, brush, shark, sheep, fish, and shell.
1st and 2nd Grades
Sh- Words Phonics Digraphs Worksheet
Review the shr- blend with this anchor chart. It includes the following words: shrimp, shriek, shrink, shred, shrug, shrub, shrivel, and shrew.
1st and 2nd Grades
Shr- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Review the sk- words skate, ski, sky, basket, skeleton, desk, skirt, and skunk with this anchor chart. You can print off copies for each student or hang a copy in your classroom.
1st and 2nd Grades
Sk- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
This anchor chart has the words sleep, slug, sloth, slippers, sled, sleeve, slip, and slide, along with black-and-white illustrations for each word.
1st and 2nd Grades
Sl- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
This printable anchor chart includes common sn- words such as snore, sneaker, snow, snacks, sniff, snowman, snip, and snail.
1st and 2nd Grades
Sn- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
You can use this anchor chart as a coloring page to reinforce common sp- words, or simply print it out to hang in the classroom. The words are: spoon, sparkler, spill, sports, spots, spaghetti, sponge, and spin.
1st and 2nd Grades
Sp- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Practice spl- words such as splint, splotch, splay, splurge, splinter, splash, spleen, and split with this printable anchor chart.
1st and 2nd Grades
Spl- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
This anchor chart has several images of spr- words, such as sprinkles, spruce, spring, sprint, spray, sprain, spread, and sprout.
1st and 2nd Grades
Spr- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Use this anchor chart to share common squ- words with your students. Example words include: squint, squares, squeeze, squish, squirm, squat, squid, and squirrel.
1st and 2nd Grades
Squ- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Use this anchor chart when teaching the st- blend. It includes the words stop, stem, stamps, stick, stump, story, star, and stool.
1st and 2nd Grades
St- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
This anchor chart shows images and spellings for several str- words. The words are: strap, strong, stream, stretch, stripes, street, straw, and string.
1st and 2nd Grades
Str- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
The consonant blend sw- words sweep, swan, switch, swing, swim, swat, sweets, and sweater are all shown on this anchor chart.
1st and 2nd Grades
Sw- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Practice the th- words math, third, think, Earth, bath, weather, clothing, and mother with this helpful anchor chart.
1st and 2nd Grades
Th- Words Phonics Digraphs Worksheet
This anchor chart has pictures of eight thr- words: thread, throne, throw, throat, through, thrill, three, and throb.
1st and 2nd Grades
Thr- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
This anchor chart shows the spellings and images for the following tr- words: train, tractor, treasure, trumpet, treat, trash, triangle, and truck.
1st and 2nd Grades
Tr- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
This anchor chart includes illustrations and the words whale, white, whistle, wheat, wheel, whiskers, wharf, and why.
1st and 2nd Grades
Wh- Words Phonics Digraphs Worksheet

See Also:

Teacher Helpers

Head over to this page for links to craft projects, calendars, reminder wristbands, templates, sticker charts, and more.

Teaching Tools

This page has a printable lesson planner, gradebook, parent notes, desk tags, and much more.

Word Walls

We have printable word walls for a variety of subjects, such as sight words and days of the week.

Sample Worksheet Images

Fraction Strips Anchor Charts

Place Value Anchor Charts

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