Super Teacher Worksheets

Multiple-Step Word Problems

These multiple-step word problems require students to use reasoning and critical thinking skills to determine how each problem can be solved.

Multiple Step Word Problem Worksheets

(Grades 2 - 3)

Solve each of the multi-step word problems on this page. Problems contain basic numbers of 20 or less. Each problem can be solved without knowledge of multiplication or division.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Common Core
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These multi-step questions can be calculated using only addition and subtraction.
2nd through 4th Grades
Students will need to add and subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers to find the answers to these multi-step word problems.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Challenge your students to solve these tricky multi-step math problems. Each one requires students to add and/or subtract.
2nd and 3rd Grades

(Grades 3 - 4)

These five word problems require students to add and subtract. Includes a money problem and an elapsed time problem.
3rd through 5th Grades
These word problems have a farming theme. Students use critical thinking to determine which operations are required for solving each problem.
3rd through 5th Grades
Use addition and subtraction to solve each of these four story problems.
3rd through 5th Grades
More multi-step word problems to solve.
3rd through 5th Grades
Students solve multi-step problems with an amusement park theme using money. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills are included.
3rd through 5th Grades
Solve multi-step problems with a movie theater theme. Skills include add, subtract, multiply, divide, order of operations, and algebraic expressions.
4th Grade
Add to find the total cost of two toys pictured on the shelf. Then subtract across zero to make change.
3rd through 5th Grades

(Grades 4 - 5)

These four word problems require students to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Includes a money problem.
4th and 5th Grades
Find the answers to the four word problems. Students will need to use reasoning skills to determine whether they should add, subtract, divide, or multiply.
4th and 5th Grades
Here are four multiple-step word problems that will require a combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Two money questions are included. This file has an answer key.
4th and 5th Grades
Practice multi-step problems with these four word problems. Students must use critical thinking to decide whether to add, subtract, multiply, or divide. This worksheet includes one money problem.
4th and 5th Grades

See Also:

Math Word Problems (by Type)

These word problems are sorted by type: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and more.

Mixed Skills: Word Problems

These worksheets, sorted by grade level, cover a mix of skills from the curriculum.

Math Worksheets

S.T.W. has thousands of worksheets. Visit the full math index to find them all, sorted by topic.

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Word Problem Worksheets

Multi-Step Word Problems

Multiple Step Word Problems

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Common Core Alignment