Super Teacher Worksheets

Valentine's Day Worksheets

Happy Valentine's Day!  Here are some puzzles, crafts, and math worksheets for your class.

Valentine's Day Worksheets

Valentine Crafts & Activities

Cut out the body, arms, and legs. Attach them together with brass paper fasteners. Color it in. It's a simple and fun Valentine's Day craft.
Valentine\'s Day Cut-Out Craft Cut Outs Worksheet
English and Spanish Versions Available
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Students cut and glue the pictures to make a Valentine's Day bingo board. Use candy hearts as markers for a fun February class game.
Valentine\'s Day Bingo Valentines Day Worksheet
Print out the heart-shaped game board. Then color pairs of adjacent numbers that add up to 14. The player with the most colored shapes wins.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Valentine\'s Day Sum Game Addition Sum Game Worksheet
Cut out the letters in the word VALENTINE and rearrange them to make new words. This activity includes primary-ruled lines for young students.
1st and 2nd Grades
Valentine Letter Mix (Primary) Valentines Day Worksheet
Cut out the letters in the word VALENTINE and rearrange them to make 3, 4, and 5-letter words. This activity includes a scoring system and is designed for intermediate-level students.
3rd through 5th Grades
Valentine Letter Mix (Intermediate) Valentines Day Worksheet
Crafty kids will enjoy making an adorable Valentine bear. Simply color, cut, and attach the head, body, and paws to a paper bag.
Kindergarten to 4th Grade
Paper Bag Puppet: Valentine Bear Valentines Day Worksheet
Make a cute Valentine's Day crown with hearts on it. Kids can color it in, assemble it with tape, and wear it around the school.
Pre-K through 2nd Grade
Crown/Hat: Valentine\'s Day Valentines Day Worksheet

Valentine's Day Puzzles

Can you find all of the Valentine's Day words hidden within the random letters of this word find puzzle?
Valentine's Day Wordsearch Puzzle Valentines Day Worksheet
There are twenty Valentine words to unscramble in this printable worksheet.  How many will your kids figure out?
Scrambled Valentine Puzzle Free Valentines Day Worksheet
Your students will love this holiday-themed puzzle. Hints point to words and phrases like Cupid, heart, chocolate, fourteenth, and be mine.
1st through 4th Grades
Valentine\'s Day Crossword Holiday Worksheet
One page of this worksheet will reveal an adorable Valentine's Day dog, while the other shows two lovebirds.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Color-by-Number: Valentine\'s Day Color By Number Worksheet
Use the symbol key at the top decode the puzzle to reveal the secret Valentine cryptogram message.
Valentine\'s Day Cryptogram Valentines Day Worksheet


Read each sentence carefully and look for errors. Correct the mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization.
2nd Grade
Fix the Sentences: Valentine\'s Day (Grade 2) Worksheet

Early Literacy

Cut out the set of 25 word cards. Students rearrange the cards on their desks to make as many complete sentences as possible. They write each sentence on the primary-ruled paper. Word cards include a combination of Valentine's Day words and basic sight words.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Make Valentine Sentences Valentines Day Worksheet
Cut out five word boxes. Rearrange the words and glue them onto the paper to make a complete sentence. The sentence reads, "Will you be my Valentine?"
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Build-a-Sentence: Valentine\'s Day Valentines Day Worksheet

Reading Comprehension

Emma has made valentines for her class. But on the way to school, she loses the one for her best friend. What will she do?
(Approx. Grade Levels: 2-4)
2nd through 4th Grades
Double Valentine Valentines Day Worksheet
When Amerie's teacher tells the class how a nineteen-year-old girl began the tradition of giving Valentine's cards, Amerie is determined to start a new tradition in her school.
3rd and 4th Grades
Valentine Tradition (Fiction) Reading Comprehension Worksheet


Color and cut out these 4 miniature Valentine;s Day cards on a single page. These are the prefect size for classroom Valentine exchanges.
Valentine Mini-Cards Valentines Day Worksheet
This full-page card reads, "Will you BEE my Valentine?" Color the card and write a personal message inside.
Will you BEE my Valentine? (Card) Valentines Day Worksheet
This full-page card has a picture of a snake and says, "You're the bessssst." Color the card and write a personal message inside.
You\'re the bessssst! (Card) Valentines Day Worksheet
This full-page card says, "You're Dino-Mite!" Students can color the card and write a special message inside for a friend or family member.
You\'re Dino-Mite (Card) Valentines Day Worksheet
This full-page card reads, "You're My Superhero!" Students color the card and write a nice message inside for a family member or friend.
You\'re My Superhero (Card) Valentines Day Worksheet

Teaching Tools

Place stickers on the Valentine hearts to keep track of students' reading assignments or completed homework.
Sticker Chart (Hearts) Sticker Charts Worksheet

Valentine Addition

Find the answers to the the basic addition problems, then color according to the key.
1st and 2nd Grades
Basic Addition: Valentine Mystery Picture Free Valentines Day Worksheet
Will this mystery picture reveal a Valentine's Day dog or two lovebirds? It depends which of the two pages you complete!
1st and 2nd Grades
Addition Mystery Picture: Valentine\'s Day Worksheet
Add the 2-digit sums; Requires carrying ones; Valentine heart pictures.
2nd Grade
Addition: Valentine Math Picture Holiday Worksheet
Students will solve 16 addition problems and use the answers to piece together a Valentine's Day picture.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Addition Puzzle Picture: Valentine\'s Day (3-Digit Plus 2-Digit) Worksheet
Use the sums from 16 addition problems to put together a Valentine's Day picture.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Addition Puzzle Picture: Valentine\'s Day (3-Digit Plus 3-Digit) Worksheet
This printable 3-digit addition worksheet is Valentine's-themed, with pictures of teddy bears and hearts.
2nd and 3rd Grades
3-Digit Valentine\'s Addition Valentines Day Worksheet

Valentine Subtraction

Subtract the problems to find the differences, then color according to the key.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Basic Subtraction: Valentine Mystery Picture Valentines Day Worksheet
Subtract the two-digit numbers; Requires borrowing; Valentine heart pictures.
2nd Grade
Subtraction: Valentine Math Picture Holiday Worksheet
Print out this 3-digit subtraction worksheet for your students to practice with around Valentine's Day.
2nd and 3rd Grades
3 - Digit Valentine\'s Subtraction Valentines Day Worksheet

Valentine Multiplication

Multiply to find the products, then color the Valentine picture according to the color code at the bottom.
2nd through 4th Grades
Basic Multiplication: Valentine Mystery Picture Valentines Day Worksheet
Depending on which page you complete, the mystery picture will be either a dog or two birds.
2nd through 4th Grades
Multiplication Mystery Picture: Valentine\'s Day Worksheet
Multiply the 2-digit numbers; Requires regrouping; Valentine heart pictures.
4th Grade
Multiplication: Valentine Math Picture Holiday Worksheet
Solve the multiplication problems and use the answers to help unscramble the puzzle pieces and see a Valentine's Day picture.
3rd through 5th Grades
Multiplication Puzzle Picture: Valentine\'s Day (3-Digit by 1-Digit) Worksheet
Use this printable worksheet for multiplication practice and it features graphics of teddy bears and hearts.
3rd through 5th Grades
3-Digit Valentine\'s Multiplication Valentines Day Worksheet

Valentine Division

Divide to find the quotients, then color the illustration according to the code at the bottom.
2nd through 4th Grades
Basic Division: Valentine Mystery Picture Valentines Day Worksheet
Solve the division problems to find out whether you're coloring in a dog or two birds.
2nd through 4th Grades
Division Mystery Picture: Valentine\'s Day Worksheet
Divide to find the answers to the simple division problems; Includes basic remainders.
3rd and 4th Grades
Division: Valentine Math Picture Holiday Worksheet

Other Math Worksheets

This Valentine's Day worksheet has six clocks for your students to find the nearest hour on.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Valentine\'s Day Clocks - Nearest Hour Valentines Day Worksheet
The six clocks on this printable worksheet are set with pictures of hearts and teddy bears.
1st through 3rd Grades
Valentine\'s Day Clocks - Nearest 5 Minutes Valentines Day Worksheet
Each of the six clocks on this printable holiday worksheet need to be solved to the nearest minute.
2nd through 4th Grades
Valentine\'s Day Clocks - Nearest Minute Valentines Day Worksheet
Color the numbers in the mystery picture according to the key.
Color-by-Number: Valentine Mystery Picture Valentines Day Worksheet
Students will plot the given points and reveal the mystery picture: a Valentine's Day heart.
4th through 6th Grades
Mystery Graph - Heart Mystery Graph Picture Worksheet
See also:
Valentine's Day Spelling Unit

Try this Valentine's Day spelling unit with your first or second graders. Includes a word list, puzzles, and activities.

Presidents Day Worksheets

Learn about Washington and Lincoln with these printable Presidents' Day worksheets and activities.

St. Patrick's Day Worksheets

Print leprechaun crafts, puzzles, and math worksheets.

Create Your Own (Generators)

Make your own custom puzzles, spelling worksheets, quizzes, bingo games, and math worksheets with our custom worksheet generator tools.

Worksheet Images

Valentine's Day Worksheets (Cards)

Valentine's Day Math Game (Printable)

Valentine's Day Worksheets (Bingo)

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