Super Teacher Worksheets

Analogy / Analogies Worksheets

Example of an analogy:  Grass is to green as sky is to blue.  These analogy worksheets will help your students learn to identify word relationships and build vocabulary.

Analogies Worksheets
Kids will love the animal analogy puzzles on this worksheet.  example:  Bird is to fly as fish is to swim.
2nd through 4th Grades
Common Core
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Complete each analogy by writing the correct word on the blank line.
1st through 3rd Grades
Choose the correct word to complete each of these analogies.  Then, tell whether the pairs or words are synonyms or antonyms.
3rd and 4th Grades
Choose the correct analogy to complete each sentence.  Also, tell why you chose each word.
2nd and 3rd Grades
Solve these fun sports analogies.  example:  Baseball is to diamond as basketball is to court.
1st through 3rd Grades

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Analogy Worksheets

Analogies Worksheets

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Common Core Alignment