Super Teacher Worksheets

5th Grade Spelling List E-2

In the second unit of STW's 5th grade spelling series, students will learn more short vowel words. Worksheets include a word search, word scramble, a phonics worksheet, and an alphabetical order activity. Words include umbrella, publish, ultimate, obscure, function, ignite, nominate, shimmer, shriveled, pondering, prong, wilted, punish, nonsense, spinning, pulse, injure, longitude, signal, and lodge.

Spelling Worksheets - 5th Grade - Unit 2

Spelling List

There are 25 words in this fifth grade spelling unit. Each word has a short i, short o, or short u vowel sound.
5th Grade
Common Core
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Worksheets and Puzzles

This worksheets has a variety of phonics and comprehension tasks related to this week's words. Includes vocabulary, fill-in-the-blank, and syllable activities.
5th Grade
Students will circle the spelling word in each sentence. If the word is spelled incorrectly, they will write it correctly on the line. An answer key is included.
5th Grade
Print out this crossword puzzle and see if your students can complete it using the hints provided.
5th Grade
Can your students unscramble all twenty-five of the spelling words on this worksheet?
5th Grade
Students copy each spelling word twice.
5th Grade
Build your own hidden words puzzle. Write E-2 words on the grid. Words can be horizontal, diagonal, or vertical. Fill in the blank spaces with random letters. A friend can solve the puzzle.
5th Grade
Search for Unit 2 spelling words in this word-hunt puzzle.
5th Grade
Your class will all use a computer to type out sentences with words such as: publish, obscure, signal, and function. This activity will help students practice typing and their spelling words.
5th Grade


This file has a flash card for each of the twenty-five spelling words on this week's list. Use them for class games, learning centers, or peer-study sessions.
5th Grade

Alphabetical Order

Write each group of spelling words in alphabetical order. Words are listed in groups of five.
5th Grade
Use scissors to cut the word rectangles. Glue them onto the chart in ABC order.
5th Grade
Write all of the spelling words in alphabetical order, from cloth through wilted.
5th Grade

Spelling Test

Here's a simple template you can use for the E-2 spelling test.
5th Grade
These sentences can be read to students when giving their spelling test.
5th Grade

Master Word Lists

This PDF has word lists for all 30 units, plus holiday words, plus themed lists.
5th Grade

Sample Worksheet Images

Sentences Used for Students When Taking Spelling Tests 5th Grade Spelling Words with Short i, o, or

See also:
Spelling Unit E-3

Unit E-3 has long a and long e words, such as skiing, amaze, remain, angrily, decade, ratio, reason, nation, complain, waist, and gracious.

5th Grade Spelling Units (Main Index)

This page has a list of all 5th grade (Level E) spelling units in the series.

Chapter Book Worksheets

STW has lots of worksheets to use with popular novels. Titles include Holes, The Giver, Mr. Popper's Penguins, Because of Winn Dixie, and Phantom Tollbooth.

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